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#1 Parent Mike - 2015-10-30
Re A poem on the West Lake in Hangzhou, China

But it only gets a mere chuckle. Silverboy is the real comedian. The faux Estonian doctor is a bit too staid and stodgy.

The doctor's sense of humor is lame at best, while SB is the one who's proved time and again that he's not the brightest bulb in the box! Turnoi's posts amuse me a little, while S'boy's posts make me laugh out loud!

#2 Parent Laughing - 2015-10-30
Re A poem on the West Lake in Hangzhou, China

FYI, "Romnized" is Chinglish for "Romanized". Your Chinlish is indeed excellent...

This makes no sense whatsoever!

Like most of what you write.

But it only gets a mere chuckle. Silverboy is the real comedian. The faux Estonian doctor is a bit too staid and stodgy.

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