Return to Index › Re The profile of REAL TEACHERS in comparison to pretened "teachers" (= deechers)
#1 Parent rippitydingdong - 2015-10-31
Re The profile of REAL TEACHERS in comparison to pretened "teachers" (= deechers)

Hmm nope, most of the great teachers who established what modern teaching is today had no degrees. They were simply people who started teaching and learned to teach by.. well by doing it.

Pretend Doctor Turnoi.. you were let go by a training center and could not teach in a training center because your english is not good enough. I understand you are very bitter.

Meanwhile, teaching english as a second language doesnt' require any university training or degrees. None. at most a TEFL or even better just on-the-job training. That makes you a real teacher.

I dont know what 'Deecher' is suppose to be? Is that you making fun of an Eastern European accent? Native English speakers wouldn't say 'Deecher' and dumb poorly educated ones wouldn't say it 'deecher'.

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