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#1 Parent Laughing - 2015-11-01
Re A poem on the West Lake in Hangzhou, China

Women are demeaned and used in many respects, not only with respect to prostitution. You simply neglect that and have shown to do so in many different input that were made by you.

So you are admitting your were wrong in supporting Silverboy when he demeans women? What are you going to do about it?

I demeaned women by not mentioning other ways they are demeamed as well? Hohohohohoho!

So, you should not wonder if other people look diown on you. I do.

Considering you are so universally wrong, I take this as a compliment.


I'm sure the above edited comment was lovely.

Oh my, you are improving! You almost qualify as a forum monkey.

Ok, I'll invent a new position just for you: forum-monkey-in-training.

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