Return to Index › Re: Re A poem on the West Lake in Hangzhou, China
#1 Parent Laughing - 2015-11-02
Re: Re A poem on the West Lake in Hangzhou, China

Perhaps so, perhaps so.

You'd think that after all these years of posting here they'd know what passes muster.

#2 Parent Fifi - 2015-11-02
Re: Re A poem on the West Lake in Hangzhou, China

Maybe Silverboy is referring to the possibility that some of his posts are now allowed online by the moderators.
I heard that many of Turnoi's posts in the last few days were not allowed online either.

#3 Parent Laughing - 2015-11-02
Re: Re A poem on the West Lake in Hangzhou, China

This board is becoming PC.

99.9% of this forum consists of you and your sniggering buddies talking about things like paying women to slobber all over them and ill-informed posts about schools you've never worked at.

And 0.1 percent consists of posts taking you to task about this.

Hmm, yes, the forum has become PC.

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