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#1 Parent The Trader - 2015-11-04
Re Finding a wife

Hi Martin
Thanks for all your points of advice. I will copy all your advice and mull over it.

As for tip number one, you could well be right, but the fact remains that I want a wife.

As for tip 7. I couldn't find a public school to accept me. I consider myself lucky to get the the private school position. It's only 12000 RMB for about 30 hours a week (19 of them actually teaching) They are going to pay for a flat. Is that fairly all right? I am a bit disappointed because my friend he also applied, we were hoping to go together, but they refused him. He says it was because he is coloured, but I can't see it these days. He does have better academic qualification than me it's true, with a degree. But I think he just failed to come across well on the skype interview, and he did bellow a bit down the mike, which is down to years of selling veg and fruit in the market.

#2 Parent martin hainan - 2015-11-04
Re Finding a wife

Tip #2: China now has 30 million men between the ages of 18 and 35 who cannot find wives. They have little money so they cannot compete for the available single women, thanks to the one-child policy and cultural preference for male children.
Tip #3: The widely held Western belief that "Asian Women" are meek, sweet and attentive is a delusion and certainly does not apply to contemporary Chinese women.
Tip #4: Chinese women in the 35+ age bracket are considered 剩女, left-over women. They are amenable to remarrying foreign men IF the foreign man has money and is willing to stay in China.
Tip #5: These women, like other Chinese women, are out-spoken in their relationships and require attention, fidelity and are eager to control the behavior of their husbands because of cultural values and their past unsuccessful relationships.
Tip #6: Older women from rural areas are less demanding, but you will be marrying the village, or at least a significant portion of it where you will be expected to financially contribute and routinely visit.
Tip #7: If you NEED to make money in China, you will not qualify for any of these women. If you already have money and are just working for the visa, choose a public school or university, not a private school.
Tip #1: if you cannot find a wife in your own hemisphere, the problem is not 'women', it is you.

#3 Parent Max - 2015-11-03
Re Finding a wife

I would say I am not really an expert, but you should be very careful, do not rush into anything. You should keep away from private schools or those training centre type places in China as they have a bad reputation.

I think you will be flat out finding a wife in China at your age, certainly not one under 40 anyway. If you do meet some women in their twenties or thirties they will only be interested in your money, but you stated you have none. So a young Chinese woman is not an option for you.

In China most relationships are based upon expediency, love is not a concept that is really understood by Chinese. In China for men it's "no money no honey".

If I was you I would stay home, but that's just me.

Anyway, good luck!

The Trader - 2015-11-03
Finding a wife

Hi all
I have decided on early retirement from my job in the UK. I have done my thirty years to qualify for a pension in some years time. I will be coming to China in about a month where I have managed to get a job in a training centre. The main reason for my move to China is to find a decent wife. I am fed up to the teeth with western women. They(the middle aged ones) only seem to want your house and/or your money. I don't have either. I have been to dating agencies(online) and if they don't want your property they are hell-bent on making sure they don't give you any of theirs. I have a friend on another stall who spent years teaching in China and he says the women have a more sincere outlook regarding men. But what I want to know is are there any pitfalls? Will I be free to marry a Chinese girl at my age of 55? I am told I won't be able to work there when I reach 60. Any tips will be appreciated.

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