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#1 Parent Symphony Orchestra Dancer - 2015-11-08
Re where in Asia to teach with no degree

You are certainly aware of the case of thousands of Syrian and other refugees currently comig in en masse in Central Europe, with families and kids. Some of them are already attending special classes in Austria, Germany and the Netherlands to learn basic Dutch or German. One 12 year-old Syrian started writing German after being the first week in class. This is what can happen when language lesson are effective , and in the case of the class attended by that Syrian kid, it was not with a teacher dancing like a monkey.

If a teacher did something like that at a public school in Central Europe, they would fire him or call the police to send him in handcuffs to lunatic asylum. Just to give you a perspective of how things mostly work in major parts of the world while white monkey dancing is a sub-standard and decadent exception in corporate EFL, especially in China.

As for training center directors or for that matter most any Chinese giving advice - no, I'd nearly do the opposite of what they'd suggest! I've heard the most ridiculous ones actually tell teachers "go in the room and dance like a monkey - the kids like it!". Seriously. I've heard that.
#2 Parent Laughing - 2015-11-07
Re where in Asia to teach with no degree

I imagine the herr Doktor must be a terribly boring teacher, in the German mode.

All monotonic lecture.

Perhaps you can teach him some of your monkey tricks?

#3 Parent HerpityDerp - 2015-11-07
Re where in Asia to teach with no degree

But you aren't refuting the post.

If the teachers decides to dance like a monkey because they know it will work to educate the kids in the long run then thats the claim and promise made here.

I have a number of crazy entertaining 'acts' or 'dances' that I use on distracted or bored kids because I know from experience I'm the one playing a trick on them and that's tricking them into learning something.

As for training center directors or for that matter most any Chinese giving advice - no, I'd nearly do the opposite of what they'd suggest! I've heard the most ridiculous ones actually tell teachers "go in the room and dance like a monkey - the kids like it!". Seriously. I've heard that.

But done right and with a little skill yes a great teacher can know when to 'dance like a monkey' and use that trick kids into learning something.

#4 Parent Symphony Orchestra Dancer - 2015-11-06
Re where in Asia to teach with no degree

Not all dancers can win the contest. The more conscientious dancers know what they are doing, and that's why a less conscientious and non-reflecting dancer cannot be sure that it will work out for kids that they will learn what they are supposed to learn by you making the dancing white monkey. The owner of your crappy training centre will tell you and the parents that it will work out for the kids, which is highly irrelevant. The crappy training centre owner usually is a money-greedy grabber and not an authority on education, he mostly knows nothing and is just a clown.

Keep dancing and generate even more cash for the owner!

I will dance like a monkey IF I think that will help kids learn and be proud of it. There is tremendous satisfaction when you win.
#5 Parent DanceOff - 2015-11-06
Re where in Asia to teach with no degree

I will dance like a monkey IF I think that will help kids learn and be proud of it. There is tremendous satisfaction when you win. I accept that might mean you win with less than 10% (so its the same everywhere) but I will take that 10% and have tremendous job satisfaction.

But as for illegal visas or unqualified documents yes you are giving a very very fair warning:

employers actually prefer employees who can't secure legal documents--because said
employees cannot appeal to SAFEA when the employers don't pay them or otherwise honor
their contract (it is the rare Mainlander that actually believes in honoring business
agreements). Believe me, if you are working for a training center in China on an illegal
visa...they will have you over a barrel in a foreign land. Don't expect them to not
screw you over--

They will even enjoy hearing about a fiance and plans to marry a local girl because they know that means the foreigner has huge personal obligations, motivations to stay no matter what happens. This means the foreigner is going to soon have more financial needs and obligations and that means this foreigner can be used, squeezed, scammed and will have to take it.

So the best advice for the Australian is to always remember that no matter what happens he is financially stable, has his own money, remind them he has a paid ticket home (especially that) do not indicate any needs or obligations to stay in China and act like he doesn't need to be there but just wants to be there.

#6 Parent Nova - 2015-11-06
Re where in Asia to teach with no degree

Just to China. Nongs don't even care if they are learning in class, as long as there is a white person in front of them. Most are too arrogant to want to use a foreign language to interact with other cultures, anyway (if China is number 1, why bother?). Dance like a monkey, and moderate money will come. I am not sure why you seem to think that making money off of being a white, dancing child's plaything is more fulfilling than a dead-end fast food gig, but there you go.

And, the employers actually prefer employees who can't secure legal documents--because said employees cannot appeal to SAFEA when the employers don't pay them or otherwise honor their contract (it is the rare Mainlander that actually believes in honoring business agreements). Believe me, if you are working for a training center in China on an illegal visa...they will have you over a barrel in a foreign land. Don't expect them to not screw you over--this is, after all, a culture of people who spent decades throwing neighbors, teachers, and family members under the bus for slight advancements and favors.

Be warned--China is a polluted, filthy country with a nasty, self-serving population. They don't really deserve quality teachers (the pay isn't even that good), so I have no qualms with unqualified people teaching there...but you really should think twice before dealing with them.

#7 Parent The Trader - 2015-11-06
Re where in Asia to teach with no degree

Hi Martin

I think 'troll' on this site must mean 'good old boy' or similar. Either that or the whole sentence was a back-handed compliment? I do notice that those recipients of the word on this site go on to accuse the accuser of being a troll, so it has become a bit of a devalued label, and as such I would personally shy away from using it, in order to sustain a modicum of that originality. I may well be an idiot, or even a deluded idiot for pursuing my Chinese dream and illusive wife but I am certainly no troll, since I am being genuine. Just because I am a market trader doesn't mean I am a troll either.

The sausage man's wife has a delightful 3 year old and it certainly wasn't me who put the bun in the oven.

#8 Parent martin hainan - 2015-11-05
Re where in Asia to teach with no degree

Finally an internet troll with a sense of style and a modicum of originality.


Methinks you may be putting your sausage in the 'sausage in a bun' seller's wife.

#9 Parent The Trader - 2015-11-05
Re where in Asia to teach with no degree

Hi John
I must say I never thought of it like that. Let's hope I won't mind them exploiting me. If I can get the wife I'll put up with a bit of exploiting.

To your other point. I know you're using your name but I didn't fancy doing that. I don't though regard 'The Trader' as an alias because it does describe what I am at the moment. Sorry to have upset you somehow.

#10 Parent The Trader - 2015-11-05
Re where in Asia to teach with no degree

This forum is more interesting than at first I thought. I feel I have upset John but I don't think his and Silverboy's styles are similar at all. I have just read a few to compare. John seems quite caustic but SB seems to hold strong beliefs but you get the opinion he is quite a nice guy. Not saying that John is not behind that caustic approach.

#11 Parent Laughing - 2015-11-05
Re where in Asia to teach with no degree

Or just go to Thailand on holiday and bang a few hookers like more normal people do.

Normal people don't "bang" hookers, Silverboy, oops, I mean John O'Shei.


Keep at it forum monkey. You can't hide behind a name. I'd recognize your antics anywhere!

#12 Parent John O'Shei - 2015-11-05
Re where in Asia to teach with no degree

Very true... But there's a novelty about those Thailand holidays, isn't there?

In fact, he is really just better off staying at home, whether with hookers or without hookers.

#13 Parent John O'Shei - 2015-11-05
Re where in Asia to teach with no degree

The pain in the arse was that my friend who has a degree was rejected by the same
centre. She must have been able to tell that I have innate teaching abilities.

More likely they found that you was easier to exploit, rip off and not likely to be able to quickly find better employment elsewhere. For a shit school, it's the best alternative available, when you can't find an employee that is truly loyal out of their own free will. A degree-less working class hero or whatever your last alias called it.

#14 Parent The Flower Butcher - 2015-11-05
Re where in Asia to teach with no degree

He could do that at home as well. No need to go overseas for that.

Or just go to Thailand on holiday and bang a few hookers like more normal people do. There's no need to try to teach
#15 Parent TookTwoTries - 2015-11-05
Re where in Asia to teach with no degree

But Australia is the best place to be. Australia with a low-paying mediocre job is a better life experience day-to-day. Not necessarily wealth or status but comfort and easy living.

#16 Parent John O'Shei - 2015-11-05
Re where in Asia to teach with no degree

Stay home, bank a bit of cash and do a degree.

Or just go to Thailand on holiday and bang a few hookers like more normal people do. There's no need to try to teach lol.

#17 Parent The Trader - 2015-11-05
Re where in Asia to teach with no degree


Whereas there are some knowledgeable people on this forum who can advise you better. I can tell you my situation. I am 55, and fed up with selling burgers and griddled chicken at markets and other venues. When I started looking for jobs in China I was disheartened that they all required a degree. A degree? A degree to teach your own language, what a joke! I was then lucky insomuch as the sausage in a bun seller's wife is Chinese and she was able to phone up jobs in China and find a sympathetic ear. She got me a skype interview with a training centre. I immediately told them 'I don't have a degree you know. They replied (a young Chinese lady) that that wasn't s problem if we cooperate( in a nod's as good as a wink to a blind beggar tone) She has sent me some invitation documents to get a visa. Do you know of a Chinese person in Australia who can help you with your job search? The icing on the cake for me is that I think the training centre is going to issue me with a degree. I may be wrong but that's the veiled message I got. The pain in the arse was that my friend who has a degree was rejected by the same centre. She must have been able to tell that I have innate teaching abilities. I've had some good advice on this site but unfortunately my main original reason for going to China, to find a wife now looks in some doubt as to future success in that department. But I will go anyway and know for sure.

visa seeker - 2015-11-05
where in Asia to teach with no degree

Hi, I am looking to teach English somewhere in Asia. I don't have a degree or any teaching experience. Which country is my best bet?

To tell the truth, I'm 34 and stuck here in Australia with a dead-end job. I'd do anything to get a visa, get over to Asia and meet a few girls, have a good time.

My life is going nowhere here, I just go and do my crappy storeperson job, go home, eat, sleep, do the same think again. Women here won't even give me the time of day.

Need some advice, help!

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