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#1 Parent Rob - 2015-11-08
Re Converting stay permit to residence permit

There are several points here which can cause the OP difficulties.

The first is he is not moving province, not even city. This can be problematic if for example the bosses of one school don't like the other, they or rivals or simply don't want to co-operate. The fact you are leaving or have left will have caused them to lose face and rubbing their noses in it by moving to a new school who could be a rival down the road won't help you at all.

The second is that FAO's generally don't tread on each others toes, they have their own patches and tend to stay within the boundaries. If they are good friends your leaving might be ignored at the expense of a lavish dinner. If not there is another problem to work with.

Regarding cancellation of the FEC, certainly that needs to be done. Once you have an active one in the computer you can't have one elsewhere in China. Simple as that. You can either let it expire naturally or ask for it to be cancelled. It is literally the click of a few buttons to cancel it online so that enables you to begin a new application but if they are pissed at you don't expect them to do it any time soon. As for cancelling it yourself, even if you had the document or a copy, negotiating the SAFEA office is a minefield and they will always side with the school, by the time you might eventually get it cancelled it would probably have cancelled itself out anyway.

The release letter is a definite requirement now so long as you have an active RP or FEC. If you are starting the process again you don't need it.

I have noticed things are being a lot more coordinated this year and much more information is being shared between provinces whereas previously it wasn't.

It maybe here that money will solve the problem whether from you or your new school. If they want you badly they may just pay it.

#2 Parent martin hainan - 2015-11-07
Re Converting stay permit to residence permit

Your NEW SCHOOL, if they are competent and licensed to hire you, can manage the process of acquiring a new residence permit while your existing residence permit is still in force and sitting in your passport. They will, however, require the cancellation of your Foreign Expert Certificate. You are able to cancel that yourself, if you can get your hands on it, and perhaps even if you have a copy.

The issue here is the 'release letter' from your old school which your new school may require and the PSB in most provinces now does require.

Hopefully your new school has the motivation and guanxi to communicate with your old school to be reasonable about your release. If the old school still wants to F... with you after they speak to your new school (or if you don't want them to speak to each other)... the old school can find any number of reasons to deny you the release letter.

I have never heard of anyone getting a new residency permit while on a temporary visa extension. But that doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Good luck.

Jake - 2015-11-07
Converting stay permit to residence permit

I'm in Suzhou city.
My previous school, because they are lowlife scum (long story), refuses to give me the documents I need to change to a new school (same city) until I cancel my residence permit. Long story. Bad relationship. SAFEA will not do anything.

Should my residence permit be canceled, I would need a 30-day stay permit to stay in China.

The new school is ready to hire me immediately.

Does anyone know if I can convert this stay permit back to a residence permit?

What I've heard so far:
1) new company's HR initially said I could get a 30-day stay permit and apply for a new FEC and convert the stay permit back to a residence permit without having to leave China. Then a few weeks later, they told me they spoke tknthe "government" and were told I would have to exit China to get a new Z if my residence permit were to be canceled.
2) The local foreign expert bureau has repeatedly told me that I can apply for a new FEC while on a stay permit, and that the PSB/immigration/whoever should be willing to convert me back to a residence permit.
3) yesterday my friend called the entry-exit administration bureau at 6660-1111 and was told I could convert the stay permit back to a residence permit if I found a new job within 30 days.

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