Return to Index › Islamic Southward Spread in Africa - Teachers Discussion
Robin Day B.Sc. M.Sc. B.Ed. - 2006-06-25
Islamic Southward Spread in Africa - Teachers Discussion

Does anybody have the inside story on what is going on? I was asked to teach Social Studies in Kuwait last year and these local school books clearly (and inaccurately) describe the spread of Islam in all directions and especially south into Africa. I see the recent Islamic military takeover in Somalia, the civil war in Sudan (and now Chad problems), the Eritrean struggle with largely Christian Ethiopia the power struggles in Nigeria, the bombing in Kenya. It seems to me oil money is fueling the spread of Islamic government not just south for the take over of Africa but also south Philippines, south Thailand, west China, oil-rich Azerbaijan, Kashmir and Indonesia. I had to go to Kuwait myself to get a clearer picture. I went in with an open mind. I came out depressed.

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