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#1 Parent DB - 2006-06-29
Hey fish4esl and Robin - Teachers Discussion

Hey Fish,
I agree with you about lashing out at any particular country - or city, or province for that matter. In fact I've had my say here in the forum a few times against those who have come to China and who, having had one or two negative experiences, tend to believe that bashing is acceptable. No, I believe that there is more that unites us than there is that separates us.
I do however feel it important to post warnings here about particular schools or agents, or common nefarious practices; albeit, those warnings often fall on deaf ears.....or is that blind eyes? If indeed, as you mentioned, they are even being seen at all - let alone heeded.

Pollyanna was the name of a character in a movie from, I believe, the fifties or early sixties. She was a sweet little country girl who game to the big city believing that everything would be just fine....."la la la" we might say now. So one with a "Pollyanna" attitude is one who ignores the evil to the point of having the ostritch with the head in the sand syndrome. But worse than that in my estimation is their unwillingness to speak out against the evil. Or in the context of this forum, their lack of patience for those who would expose the negative aspects of teaching abroad. Actually, I could ignore it too but for the fact that there have been some really horrendous things happening to some folks who make the trip thinking it's all just la la la. Yes, many of them are young and inexperinced and sometimes the school of hard knocks is useful. But on the other hand some are just looking for a positive change in their lives or even a positive outcome for their futures. Shouldn't they be warned. Well, I doubt that you disagree with me on that and I believe you would like to see this forum more often used constructively. Constructive though..........hmmm, I guess that's where the arguments pop up. That is to say, we may disagree about what is and what is not constructive. Albeit, I have noticed that you share some good stuff. So keep up the good work.

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