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#1 Parent Curious - 2015-11-29
Re: Re The Art of Debate

I agree with those values.

#2 Parent San Migs - 2015-11-29
Re The Art of Debate

But not without cost.

A real steak, a real turkey dinner, a decent pint of beer, breathable air, uncensored internet, a free press, being able to walk in the park without being pointed and stared at.

Give me poverty yet freedom to choose any day of the week.

#3 Parent John O'Shei - 2015-11-29
Re The Art of Debate

It's a reality that all foreign teachers must eventually accept, very few foreigners get rich on RMB earnings alone.

#4 Parent Laughing - 2015-11-29
Re The Art of Debate

Easy to be "rich" in china on chinese rmb, not so easy to be rich on it "outside" China.

However you measure it, I'm making and saving far, far more money than I did back in the home country.

And that's more than sufficient :-)

#5 Parent San Migs - 2015-11-29
Re The Art of Debate

If by "stuck" you mean that I have an easy job with low hours, that I have a well-to-do girlfriend that likes to buy me things, and that I save far, far more money than I would back in my home country....

Perhaps because you don't spend money on air fares and visits home. Easy to be "rich" in china on chinese rmb, not so easy to be rich on it "outside" China. I believe that is the point SB is getting at.

#6 Parent Laughing - 2015-11-28
Re The Art of Debate

The "laughing" poster is stuck in China

You keep assuming facts not in evidence.

If by "stuck" you mean that I have an easy job with low hours, that I have a well-to-do girlfriend that likes to buy me things, and that I save far, far more money than I would back in my home country....

...then yes, I'm stuck here.

But that's a fantastic thing!

So I can only laugh at you when you think I'm stuck.

But that is the last I will speak of such things since I know you won't believe me. Which is even funnier!

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