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#1 Parent Fifi - 2015-11-30
Re: Re update of my first job in china

You often tell us stories from your own life. We don't tell you it's bull.... More respect is needed, Turnoi....

#2 Parent San Migs - 2015-11-30
Re update of my first job in china

Utter bull!!

The Trader - 2015-11-30
update of my first job in china

Candy (foreigner boss) met me at the airport of my destination in China. A very friendly lady in her
early-mid thirties. From there she took me to a disgusting noodle café for a welcome lunch. Then
straight back to the school, a bit like Superman's cave with everything including classroom walls
glistening in plate glass, but very clean and warm. They straight away to my shock and horror put
me into a test lesson to demonstrate my teaching skills. Not too bad as it was only reading out of a
book- something to do with Cambridge University, whom they appear to be affiliated to according
to Candy. I passed with glowing colours and got a clap.

After that I was dumped at some seedy hotel with my room strewn with fag ends. Candy said we
will pick you up early in the morning and you should rest. I took a shower and settled down with a
bottle of whisky which I got just half way through when the door was knocked. It was Candy again,
saying that when I gave her my passport and medical certificate I hadn't given her some passport
sized photos I had promised her. I said it will take a minute to find them in the suitcases so would
you like a whisky while I do that. She said no thank you , but accepted a glass of wine which was at

I found the photos but she stayed for a while chatting and giving me false signals. I could swear she
was pouting at me but on reflection maybe she had a lip-tic or something. That and I couldn't accept
that she couldn't have waited until the morning for the photos. So stupidly I asked her if she wanted
me to kiss her, because I was convinced all the pouting was to give me the come-hither.

Bloody Hell,, she hit the roof claiming she wasn't that type of lady. She got up to go to the door still
having a go at me but then returned to her seat and burst into tears. By that time I was a bit worried
myself, and the only thing I could think of to do was to top her glass up with wine. After a while the
hysteria subsided, she dried her eyes, and then emptied the glass in one go.

She then calmed down and said she was sorry as I was only doing what my culture allowed, and in
any event she wasn't interested in getting close to foreigners, even is she wasn't married to a
Chinese guy. I was somewhat relieved and refilled her glass. She then told me (in confidence) that
she and her husband were having matrimonial problems. In fact he sounded like a right pig, out
night after night with cronies drinking Chinese white wine. After another top-up she revealed that
he sometimes pisses in the wardrobe when he's half asleep in the early hours. She left eventually, no
harm done, apart from her attitude since as if she wants to make sure I don't get a further chance to
be familiar.

The next day I accepted the first flat they showed me on the fifth floor. I did get the landlord to sign
my letter saying that I wouldn't be responsible for any domestic appliances breaking down, and I
asked the three members of the company present to witness that document. The flat is about four
times bigger than the one in UK I had.

One of the students Linda visits me, eats my yoghurt and she teaches me Mandarin and I teach her
extra English. She is a total stunner at 19 years of age. I won't try anything on there though. I am
still smarting over my brush with Candy.

I still haven't got my passport back. I am told that when I do it will have a year's residence permit.
Haven't met a wife yet (only somebody else’s) which is the main reason I am here. All in all not a
sparkling start. I feel unsettled at the moment.

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