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#1 Parent The Arrogant One - 2006-07-03
OY VAY! - Teachers Discussion

Lieber Herr Lighthart,

Congratulations on your ardent desire to write of the woes and worries of today's expats living and working in the PRC. 'Tis, indeed, something which should, in fact, be shouted from the rooftops. On the other hand, and with all due respect, might I suggest you write such an epic IN DEUTSCH, as opposed to English... that is unless you are willing to engage the services of a first-rate PROOFREADER. On re-reading your pitch to this forum, this should be quite apparent.

Fer duh sake uh poisinal imige , yuh gotta get wid it, Big Boy! After awl, not awl we wurld rovers stop shawrt adda grade skool edjucashun!

Auf Wiedersehen! ;)

The Arrogant One

#2 Parent DB - 2006-07-03
To Edward Lightheart - Teachers Discussion

Please tell us a little more about the organization which you represent. You say you are president of EF Lightheart? As president you can surely offer us additional information.

Further, you state that you are a public relations consultant. What exactly do you do in that position and where and for whom are you doing it?

If you are keenly interested in researching experiences of EFL teachers in China, there are multiple forums wherein you can read of such experiences. The archives here at eslteachersboard would be a great place to start. However, your stated interest in having teachers give you their names and additional information about themselves will no doubt, for many reasons, limit the possibility of any direct contact with them.

Moreover, your credibility will be enhanced considerably if you take a little more time to edit your postings. But I do applaud your idea if indeed you have a genuine interest in providing clear and accurate information in your article about our experiences in China.

E. Lighthart - 2006-07-03
Teaching in China - Teachers Discussion

As a public relations consultant and English instructor in China, I aware that a vaiety of experiences -- good as well as bad -- exist as part of teachin in China. I am currently researching experiences of forein expats -- native English as well as other mother languages -- for an article on teaching and living in China.

If you have an experience -- or experiences -- that you would like to share, please send me an account citing your name, institution, postion held, and the events that occured while you were empoloyed as well as during your job search.

All information will be held in confidence.

Please reply via email (office@eflgmbh.com).

Thank you.


Edward Lighthart, BA, AM, PhD
President and Managing Director
EF Lighthart, GmbH
9/17 Mostgasse

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