Return to Index › Re For those who still did not know: Neo-Nazi website loves Trump
#1 Parent San Migs - 2015-12-12
Re: Re For those who still did not know: Neo-Nazi website loves Trump

If I have you mixed up with someone else, then I apologize profusely.

If you are one of the sons of Suffolk, in rural thailand, then no more replies needed. Thank you.

#2 Parent Observer - 2015-12-12
Re: Re For those who still did not know: Neo-Nazi website loves Trump

"Are you trying to blackmail me, it certainly reads like it? "
Your mind goes to this sort of things right away....
This is the mind of someone who is afraid.

#3 Parent San Migs - 2015-12-12
Re: Re For those who still did not know: Neo-Nazi website loves Trump

Well let's see smartarse.

I was in Afula in Israel when a bus bombing happened.

I was in Manchester when the IRA bomb happened.

I was in London when 7/7 happened.

So now, I am not afraid.

Are you trying to blackmail me, it certainly reads like it?

#4 Parent Observer - 2015-12-12
Re: Re For those who still did not know: Neo-Nazi website loves Trump

Trump appeals to people who are afraid.
Think deep.
Are you a person who is afraid most of the time?
Do you have a practical way/procedure to get fear out of your mind? If not, then you are looking at "strong" leaders to rule you because you can't rule fear out of your mind and a "strong" leader is a reassuring father image for you.
I am not trying to make fun or play with people's mind. I am here to help you see, if you want to see.... There are millions of people who don't want to see. And Trump focuses on this group. About 35% of the republican party. So far so good. But the country as a whole won't go for it. The country is evolved. November 2016.

#5 Parent San Migs - 2015-12-12
Re For those who still did not know: Neo-Nazi website loves Trump

Thanks for your detailed analysis.

Isn't it good that he is shaking up the two party system? I think so.

I maintain, I would support him IF he ran as an independent. I think the democrats and the republicans, much like new labour and the conservative party and the liberal democrats, are all the same.

It's interesting in certain english towns, that the BNP are not allowed in the ballots,the old maxim, no matter who you vote for, the government gets in, has never been truer.

Ronald Reagan was an actor, trump has been a leader, I'd say he is more qualified than a lot of other candidates, but personally, politics much like football, is boring to me. A nice pint, pizza, and some mates is more my cup of tea these days.


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