Return to Index › Guang Zheng Preparatory School aka HS Kama International school
#1 Parent Dr.*** - 2016-01-29
Re Guang Zhang Prep school and Warren Al##re aka "Mr. Warren"

It is true. I worked for 1 semester. The Problem is 1 Malaysian Gang and other Pilipino gang. They both try to save their jobs. All the teachers are non-qualified and some of them are over aged (70s) and they are getting higher salaries then others. So they never want other teachers to come and work for long time. The Boss of the school is also involved in this and only concern got him is $$$$$.

The school is worst place to work. My suggestions.

>:( >:( >:( >:( >:(

#2 Parent Sad*** - 2016-01-28
Re Guang Zhang Prep school and Warren Al##re aka "Mr. Warren"

Well, I already knew this, had experienced with same. This school has its own way of work. Internal politics are at high level. Teachers are not qualified / Certified from anywhere. Adding to this few teachers are over aged means above 65. Working with visit visa. The school is full of crap.

#3 Parent Beware of GZPS school - 2016-01-28
Re Guang Zheng Preparatory School aka HS Kama International school

It is true the school (gzps school international section) is pretty bad. they often cheat with foreign teachers. they don`t care about the students. only money. too much politics in the school. many groups in the teaching office, Malaysian and Pilipino group are the worse. they often lie about facilities. accommodation is like servant quarters. the section boss and the managers are big Hollywood actors. they talk in a way that anyone can be misguided. they often use white guys for school promotion after that fire them. Beware of the GZPS international section, beware of the boss and managers, beware of the Malaysian group - Soon chen lin, jothi, rohan, beware of the Pilipino goup- Meritas, warren, glenn. they can make your life perfect hell. they often say they are the number 1 in dong guan. big liars.. bunch of unqualified teachers are there with dangerous politics.

#4 Parent BGS - 2016-01-25
Guang Zhang Prep school and Warren Al##re aka "Mr. Warren"

Filipino "foreign teacher principal" Warren Al**re strikes again. Once again luring a teacher out to the GZPS in the middle of nowhere in the dump of Chashan, Dongguan, China. The teacher he originally hired in September to cover classes bolted after one month and then he suckered another teacher in. This teachers' contract was then "terminated" and replaced with two teachers from the Philippines for the same money. This marks the sixth or seventh time the smirking Filipino who uses a tag line on his skype page of "trust is the greatest thing one can give to another better than love" or a similar as a hook. Western teachers are hired for use of advertising or promotion only then dumped off. If you have dealings with this man you will be taken advantage of and short changed.

#5 Parent CFTU Debunker - 2015-12-13
Re The CFT Watchers and the CFTU

Hehe, Bruce.

You are certifiable.

But I already knew that.

#6 Parent The CFT Watchers - 2015-12-12
The CFT Watchers and the CFTU

The CFT Watchers and the so-called China Foreign Teachers Union are in no way:

A) Operating in concert, associated, connected by profession or friendship, or in communication.

B) A simple review of ALL of the posts would show no commonality of any posts by either group.

C) The email domain of this particular poster is aol.co.uk not .ca so hence the poster is not from Canada but in fact the United Kingdom.

D) The posting by "CFTU" debunker shows that no investigation was done even at the basic level and is in fact engaged in flaming or trolling.

E) To make public information regarding any misfortunes that "Bruce" from Canada may or might be having (not confirmed or again any evidence shown) is harassment, bullying, and cowardice.

F) We having contacted and investigated the school first hand gives no indication of any of extortion or blackmail attempt and can be confirmed by ANY person willing to do the due diligence.

G) We have investigated the so-called "CFTU" and have found evidence that the persons connected with this "group" have actively trolled posters on Dave's ESL cafe who have also tried to warn teachers regarding abusive or scamming schools or recruiters AND have also done so on this website.

We welcome anyone to produce CONFIRM-ABLE EVIDENCE of ANY malfeasance by our group or attempt or document, posting, or any other media. We've also noticed that "CFTU debunker" shows no email address or direct contact information of any kind. More likely a troll from Dave's ESL Cafe surfing to harm, hurt, and cause pain.

#7 Parent CFTU Debunker - 2015-12-12
Re Guang Zheng Preparatory School aka HS Kama International school

Oh, Bruce.

Did they object to paying your extortion?

Is that why you post such things?

You and your fictitious China Foreign Teachers' Union...

I seriously hope you get sent back to Canada to face the charges pending for you there.

The CFT Watchers - 2015-12-12
Guang Zheng Preparatory School aka HS Kama International school

The school; Remote area of Dongguan associated with Chashan. Teachers reportedly have left the school after only a short time due to the isolation.

One bus servicing the area at almost random times roughly once and hour.

Taxi drivers are notorious for taking advantage of this situation and gouging fares from foreign teachers. Round trip to Dong zheng for supplies and necessary things roughly 6-7 hours round trip. Shuttle bus provided on saturdays however destination is at the whim and will of the shuttle driver. Teachers have complained about having plans for destinations and the driver changing the plans for refusing to drive to areas the driver deems to be "too far away".

Housing is modified "quad" dorm rooms with no kitchen area. Teachers have reported potable water outages, power outages, no hot water even during the school scheduled hot water periods, no water pressure, air conditioning shut off during hot periods of the seasons, no heat, vermin infestation, and mosquito infestations in the rooms. Some rooms have growing water damage.

You will have a contract with the school, payday can be any day over a ten day span. Teachers have reported unresolved pay shortages. Students are observed as been physically confrontational to teachers, completely non-co operational and constantly disruptive. Teachers have reported as being helpless in these situations and unable to establish or teach curriculum. It has been observed that this is one of the worst student populations in China.

Teaching staff is lead by a Filipino national who is the foreign program principal. Staff consists of several Filipinos, Malaysians, Indians, One American and one Australian. It has been reported that the Filipino principal is trying to replace the other nationalities with an all Filipino staff. Teachers have been forced out of positions at this school with no warning, no reason given, and no detrimental actions by themselves.

Canteen card provided to teachers and a 200 RMB allowance. However it was observed that the food in the canteens is expensive and barely above drek. Be advised.

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