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#1 Parent San Migs - 2015-12-13
Re re: students, the future of china?

Reminds me of those round table dinners.

Don't discuss politics, mei banfa, everything velly velly harmonious in China, be happy, eat more delicious toxic vegetables and watery soup, stupid hairy monkey, gan bei, lol

#2 Parent John O'Shei - 2015-12-13
Re re: students, the future of china?

They're also brainwashed, lack the ability to think creatively and are rather spoilt in comparison to the students that were born in the 80's.

When Chinese friends of mine are talking about not wanting to hire these young people; I can just tell that something is just wrong.

For all the comfortable upbringing, additional investment and exposure to greater opportunities that the younger generation had, it could really still go either way.

#3 Parent martin hainan - 2015-12-12
Re re: students, the future of china?

I have taught, and continue to teach, thousands of Chinese college students.

The vast majority are sincere, hard-working, mature and bright enough to resist making provocative unsubstantiated generalizations about groups of individuals.
China's future is bright and in good hands.

San Migs - 2015-12-12
re: students, the future of china?

We all know the older chinese are rude and their habits ingrained. Perhaps it's unfair to single them out, ........

But these young students? Are they not China's future?



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