Return to Index › China names and shames 5 tourists over bad behaviour, raises possibility of airline black list
#1 Parent ref - 2015-12-21
Re China names and shames 5 tourists over bad behaviour, raises possibility of airline black list


#2 Parent Sharp - 2015-12-21
Re China names and shames 5 tourists over bad behaviour, raises possibility of airline black list

Airlines services and their and many people's disrespect for one another are some common features of everyday's life, so blacklisting a few isn't constructive and perhaps even legal. There are all sorts of travel packages or air ticket prices out of which some are at times incompetent or unable to meet a challenge, and then there are people who are incapable to follow the customary code of polite behavior in society whehter it is the service or served ones. Nowadays, many men, women and even children face some unprecendented pressure from their jobs, schools or society in general, and so a travel package that doesn't cover what it should or a busy customer service rep that cannot handle a stressed customer may only be the result of the trend that we all are moving towards.

From my numerous travel experiences, I can only see how difficult it is to keep cool sometimes. One of the passengers next to me on a flight somewhere in China once pulled his window blinder down to be confronted by the hostess not to do that for the rules stated to have it open at all times. After suggestions he was uncomfortable because of the strong sunshine, the hostess wasn't sympathetic whatsoever. On another flight, also in China, that I take often and on which I sometimes am and sometimes am not served with a warm meal for virtually the same price of the ticket, I have had some mind boggling encounters of the people and their services.

So, judging some anxious individuals that expect the return for their money as harshly that they'd be excluded from what every one, except the terrorist minds, should be entitled to is a pure bigotry. Fixing the shortcomings of service industries is sure more difficult than pointing fingers at a few who cannot take it.

ref - 2015-12-20
China names and shames 5 tourists over bad behaviour, raises possibility of airline black list

BEIJING — China’s tourism authority named and shamed another five tourists for bad behaviour and says it is working with airlines on a possible flying ban.

Those added to the list of “uncivilized behaviour” by tourists include two women and a man who brawled after one woman’s seat was bumped during boarding of a flight from Cambodia to the western city of Chengdu.

The three were forcibly removed from the plane under captain’s orders and the flight was delayed for one hour, the China National Tourism Administration said.

Another man was listed after he was arrested in Japan for assaulting a convenience store clerk whom he accused of disrespecting his wife. The last was a woman who attacked her tour guide with hot tea after learning the price of her son’s ticket to a western China scenic site was not included in the package.

Their names and a description of their alleged misbehaviour were entered onto the administration’s list and will remain there for one to three years.

Over that period, they can be refused service by travel agents, airlines, hotels and scenic sites.

More here: http://news.nationalpost.com/news/china-names-and-shames-5-tourists-over-bad-behaviour-raises-possibility-of-airline-black-list?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+NPWorld+%28National+Post+-+World%29&ref=yfp

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