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#1 Parent San Migs - 2015-12-30
Re silverboy

Are you an ipswich supporter, or do you support pompey?

Not sure if he is stuffing his face with aussie pies, his business really, I much prefer fish and chips or moussaka.

#2 Parent The Trader - 2015-12-29
Re silverboy

Funny you mention a missionary of the devil....there was a similar poster from Ipswich who was somewhat satanic in nature. Did you know of him?

What i do know is that you lot accosted me with all these poster names when i first started posting on this site and i had to research them to try and get some idea of of what you lot were on aboout. Ipswich football team is the only thing i know about the place.

Where is SB then (this thread) is he feeding his face on your pies or what?

#3 Parent The Trader - 2015-12-29
Re silverboy

a bit of an over the top post. A big difference between genocide and sex tourism. Any men who visit Thai or Phills on sex trip must be a Hitler to you. a wierd post.

Make your distinctions to female sex trade suicide victims....If you catch them before they gasp their last gasp they are sure to be heartily relieved they didn't fall into the hands of Hitler.

#4 Parent The Kerb Crawler - 2015-12-29
Re silverboy

The Trader is still trying his first time in that area. Candy and Cindy did not want it to do with him as well. Poor guy!.....LOL

I first come from Indonesia, so not up to date. I think to look for sex is normal, many people will do this, right?
#5 Parent the reality - 2015-12-29
Re silverboy

a bit of an over the top post. A big difference between genocide and sex tourism. Any men who visit Thai or Phills on sex trip must be a Hitler to you. a wierd post.

#6 Parent San Migs - 2015-12-29
Re silverboy

Funny you mention a missionary of the devil....there was a similar poster from Ipswich who was somewhat satanic in nature. Did you know of him?

#7 Parent The Trader - 2015-12-29
Re silverboy

so the kerb crawler will look for sex? I think I get this now. I first come from Indonesia, so not up to date. I think to look for sex is normal, many people will do this, right?

I should think it is indeed normal/usual. It was normal to look for Jews and kill them in Nazi Germany; but that wasn't right any more than callously using women for sex is right. Please don't let Turnoi or SB persuade you otherwise. They are both emissaries of Beelzebub.

#8 Parent mark - 2015-12-29
Re silverboy

so the kerb crawler will look for sex? I think I get this now. I first come from Indonesia, so not up to date. I think to look for sex is normal, many people will do this, right?

#9 Parent The Trader - 2015-12-28
Re silverboy

    sorry, kerb crawler I don't know, I am not a native speaker of eng, some slang word I don't know

Actually, kerb crawling is not really slang. For example it is an offense under English law to crawl along the kerbs (possibly whistling 'Waltzing Matilda' while trying to appropriate 'working girls' The offense under English Law, is called the same 'kerb crawling' Now, in English the way the Americans use it I think the spelling was changed to 'curb' But use the 'k' and 'e' for the English way.

#10 Parent mark - 2015-12-28
Re silverboy

sorry, kerb crawler I don't know, I am not a native speaker of eng, some slang word I don't know

#11 Parent The Trader - 2015-12-28
Re silverboy

he likes travelling I think, I am a bit curious as he seemed to be a fixture on here.

By his own admission he is an International-kerb-crawler. He seems to belong to a community of crawlers. They all like to visit one resort/area at the same time, so they can meet up for drinky-poos and steaks. Also the process of crawler-bonding lends respectability to the vile urges which power them around the globe, like wandering albatrosses with permanent hard-ons.

#12 Parent mark - 2015-12-27
Re silverboy

he likes travelling I think, I am a bit curious as he seemed to be a fixture on here.

#13 Parent Laughing - 2015-12-27
Re silverboy

he's not shy of launching a "Jolly good post, himself!' Addressed to himself using one of his many aliases.

My thoughts exactly.

But it's good for a laugh.

I approve, forum monkey!

#14 Parent The Trader - 2015-12-27
Re silverboy

what happened to silverboy? I used to enjoy reading his informative and no bullshit posts.

He likes to self-praise so you shouldn't have to wait long. A bit like fellow academic posters, he's not shy of launching a "Jolly good post, himself!' Addressed to himself using one of his many aliases. Quite curious the way they do it actually.

mark stansfield - 2015-12-27

what happened to silverboy? I used to enjoy reading his informative and no bullshit posts.

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