Return to Index › Re: Beware crazy Chinese women!
#1 Parent The Trader - 2015-12-31
Re: Beware crazy Chinese women!

yeah, some Chinese women want to stay in China, yes, easy to marry one, but......then, where is my house, where is my car? gotcha! dammned if you do, dammned if you don't, catch 22. no money in China means no woman, not ever!

heeeheeeheee, I will leave turnoi to answer you -he's sure to see profundity in what you say. You speakky his language.

#2 Parent the reality - 2015-12-31
Re: Beware crazy Chinese women!

yeah, some Chinese women want to stay in China, yes, easy to marry one, but......then, where is my house, where is my car? gotcha! dammned if you do, dammned if you don't, catch 22. no money in China means no woman, not ever!

#3 Parent The Trader - 2015-12-31
Did The_Baker scare off Silverboy?

Your imaginary Cindy must have stolen your computer while you were busy baking mushroom cakes with mustard and honey, I guess....

No,it was San Migs/The baker who suggested I use Linux Ubuntu, Even Silverboy has lost faith in him since he realises he is the dreaded baker. The way it's going there will only be one poster left- San Migs himself.

#4 Parent The Trader - 2015-12-30
Re: Beware crazy Chinese women!

Follow the thread -it wasn't me who dug up that old post- kevin I think

#5 Parent The Trader - 2015-12-30
Re: Beware crazy Chinese women!

Was that you?


No it wasn't me, mate. And if SM is reading this it wasn't me who ressurected that old post; I merely (a merely for Turnoi please take note) answered the poster who dusted it off and sent a current reply. Do you find that you get accused of weird things by weirdos on this site?

#6 Parent Collyurst Sewage Worker - 2015-12-30
Re: Beware crazy Chinese women!

Your imaginary Cindy must have stolen your computer while you were busy baking mushroom cakes with mustard and honey, I guess....

'The Baker's' Ubuntu on the desktop today which has destroyed Windows and the screen is all black...and he didn't even throw in about 15 sex sessions for my troubles.(What Candy and friends donated free of charge)
#7 Parent The Trader - 2015-12-30
Re: Beware crazy Chinese women!

jeez mate, you don't marry these women, get them residency in the West or any shit like that! the same for men who buy them apartments. give Chinese women nothing, they deserve nothing. I know a guy from Sydney who lost 95 000 dollars in 2013, seriously, fucking wake up!

Another side to the story is the many westerners who have married Chinese women and by virtue of those liaisons obtained permits to live in China. In the short time I have spent in China i have met four old farts(they work at my TC) very happily married to Chinese women (much younger women) and those women don't want to go to the west. But there is another FT who was fleeced by a yunan girl. Mind you women don't seem keen on his so i supposed he was only able to net a bad one. I'm bound to say that my women expenses so far have only amounted to a few bottles of wine. In fact this site has cost me more; I installed 'The Baker's' Ubuntu on the desktop today which has destroyed Windows and the screen is all black...and he didn't even throw in about 15 sex sessions for my troubles.(What Candy and friends donated free of charge)

#8 Parent Collyurst Sewage Worker - 2015-12-30
Re: Beware crazy Chinese women!

Was that you?

We have an American who was ripped off by a girl from Yunan (is that the same place?) Not only that, he was savagely beaten up by her uncles
#9 Parent San Migs - 2015-12-30
Re: Beware crazy Chinese women!

Nice try at digging up an old post and getting people to bite.

Of course "Yunan" is not the same place. Hunan is a province in Southern China.

#10 Parent Kevin - 2015-12-30
Re: Beware crazy Chinese women!

Yeah I know everyone told me I'm awake now.

#11 Parent the reality - 2015-12-30
Re: Beware crazy Chinese women!

jeez mate, you don't marry these women, get them residency in the West or any shit like that! the same for men who buy them apartments. give Chinese women nothing, they deserve nothing. I know a guy from Sydney who lost 95 000 dollars in 2013, seriously, fucking wake up!

#12 Parent The Trader - 2015-12-30
Re: Beware crazy Chinese women!

was ripped off by a girl from Hunan

those are some of the worst gold digging [edited][edited] anywhere, and no foreign man in China should date them, end of story!!!

Hi Collyhurst Sewage Worker

We have an American who was ripped off by a girl from Yunan (is that the same place?) Not only that, he was savagely beaten up by her uncles.

#13 Parent Kevin - 2015-12-29
Re: Beware crazy Chinese women!

I to was then to the cleaners from a girl hunan got her residency and clean most of our money I haven't seen or heard from her in months

#14 Parent Collyhurst Sewage Worker - 2013-05-12
Re: Beware crazy Chinese women!

was ripped off by a girl from Hunan

those are some of the worst gold digging [edited][edited] anywhere, and no foreign man in China should date them, end of story!!!

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