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#1 Parent the reality - 2016-01-02
Re buttering me up-and that is good.


#2 Parent The Trader - 2016-01-02
Re buttering me up-and that is good.


#3 Parent The Hunk - 2016-01-02
Re buttering me up-and that is good.

I don't even find them amusing. It may depend on the type of humour one has, however. Just useless nonsense that most people do not have the time to read anyway.

yes, your far-fetched and totally implausible stories are quite amusing.
#4 Parent The Trader - 2016-01-02
Re buttering me up-and that is good.

yes, your far-fetched and totally implausible stories are quite amusing. too bad this "Linda" and her "wealthy" family don't really exist.

Hee heee hee- Is that SB?

They may be amusing stories but nevertheless true ones. If you're looking for will-o'-the-wisps, pursue Turnoi's stories about me being all sorts of characters, including, woodbine willie-u2far3-- some Mandarin teacher, who isn't a very good one- the father of two Chinese toddlers...the list is endless. If I am nasty to turnoi and San Migs it is only because they keep attacking me instead of minding their own businesses. I will only be too happy to leave them well alone. I like to post my progress on this site because it gets things off my chest- I never believed I was going to be embroiled in all this nonsense. I only revealed an e-mail I received warning me about SM/the baker, etc, because he couldn't stop attacking my posts and like turnoi accusing me of being other posters.

#5 Parent the reality - 2016-01-02
Re buttering me up-and that is good.

yes, your far-fetched and totally implausible stories are quite amusing. too bad this "Linda" and her "wealthy" family don't really exist.

The Trader - 2016-01-01
buttering me up-and that is good.

I wonder where these folk(Linda's family)get their money from-they have fitters from the shop working into the night converting the laundry room into a shower room. I'll send you a picture when they are finished. It is looking impressive.

I made a little jibe earlier on about needing a blanket to keep the radiator warm..and now it's red hot. I should have been a diplomat. i do seem to know how and what to say to the Chinese to keep things amiable. I shall swing into action about a Western loo next week...something along the lines of flies and avoiding cross-contamination to the the kitchen.

What this is all about is that I am staying at Linda's place for the weekend. The parents have asked me if I would be prepared to stay permanently after our marriage. Bloody Hell, it's a pretty useless foreigner who comes to China and does anything else but well! On balance at the moment I will probably accept their offer because I hate flats and this house is vast'''just needs AC in what will be our rooms.

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