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#1 Parent San Migs - 2016-01-25
Re re: missing bookseller in Hong Kong

Thanks for the reply.

I have been banging on for ages that the reason I am glad I am out of China, is that things changed for the worse during his presidency. Going backwards, not forwards, with admiring Mao and Marx, and becoming more like North Korea, not more open and progressive.

Meanwhile, in the land of the enemy of China:


Seems every single country (including Taiwan, and yes, it is a country!) are far more progressive than China will ever be.

#2 Parent Sharp - 2016-01-25
Re re: missing bookseller in Hong Kong

The "One Country Two Systems" is just an avertisement. The kidnapped HKers are in a mainland labor camp as Beijing's agents've secretly taken 'em. Now, they're forcing one wife of those unfortunate guys, who is a mainlander, to testify what has happened. This topic should rock the world and this board, since it is a great example of what could happen to anyone that opposes Xi's dictatorship.

#3 Parent Caring - 2016-01-04
Re re: missing bookseller in Hong Kong

This isn't about values but control; everyone is supposed to have the same views and do the same thing quietly, so that the empire can function the way a few people want it to go on.

What the mainland China has taken advantage of with regards to HK is that many cheap mainland businesses/products have been related to the little nation that has learned from Brits; mainland companies/products are "upscaled" with wording "Hong Kong" or customers are told the owner is from HK.

Taking people of streets for speaking out or selling books that constructively criticize the mainland China affairs is a lame way to run any society. Hard to image teachers would disappear without a trace for hypothesizing how thing may be done differently or for suggesting some in power make mistakes and we are affected.

#4 Parent Concerned - 2016-01-04
Re: Re re: missing bookseller in Hong Kong

Great post!

#5 Parent martin hainan - 2016-01-04
Re re: missing bookseller in Hong Kong

When the tide of imperialism recedes, as it has throughout the Middle East and Africa, some of the exposed debris is the remnants of the invading countries' cultural values and administrative systems that linger malodorously.

Hong Kong is no exception.

As Westerners we share many British values that are not indigenous to Chinese culture. Many HKers no are now imbued with these values and will continue to have difficulty living a life during the 'reunification'. Nothing, certainly not people, is ever truly unified.

Mainland China is changing rapidly and benefiting from Hong Kong's unique status. HKers cannot forestall the tide. Their resistance is futile, albeit occasionally admirable and instructive to Beijing.

#6 Parent Caring - 2016-01-03
Re re: missing bookseller in Hong Kong

HK surely is feeling the "re-unification" with mainland China. The "one country, two systems" may be a delusion. As for the missing booksellers, they may have been taken in Shenzhen, since a couple of them have wives from the city.

San Migs - 2016-01-03
re: missing bookseller in Hong Kong


A sad time for freedom of literature and the press in Hong Kong.

Relevant as HK is a PART of China, before anyone says it should not be posted.

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