Return to Index › Re re: giant statue of mao
#1 Parent Curious - 2016-01-09
Re: Re re: giant statue of mao

Good point about the murder of the native Americans.

Reminds me of the standoff in Oregon these days where a tribe of native Americans told the white armed occupiers of a national park building to get the hell out of there. The armed occupiers want the Federal government to give the federal land back to some farmers. The native Americans told the occupiers that this land belongs to the native Americans, not to some ancestors of the farmers who stole it from the native Americans 150 years ago.

#2 Parent Caring - 2016-01-09
Re re: giant statue of mao

I'd be surprised if this "mocking" was censored in China; however, I would bet on the internet debates about current top Chinese leaders. Anyhow, our nations put up statues of our leaders that killed many as well. I can't imagine the scores of murdered native Americans by the Founding Fathers, and yet their statues aren't uncommon (although not so gold). The bottom line here is that Chinese social media allows somewhat convenient discussions to the current powers in Beijing as the internet tool demonstrates how "free" China is. Moreover, such a debate may uncover the ones who spent the money that have been given from Beijing.

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