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#1 Parent San Migs - 2016-01-17
Re re: giant statue of mao

Nothing personal against you, and like a jamaican I had better admit "de feet" before I draw out the elderly expats with chinese wives crowd.

Thanks again for the topic thread though.

#2 Parent Caring - 2016-01-17
Re re: giant statue of mao

So, when one is objective s/he must be married to the region? "Hard to fathom" such a debate approach!!! In any case, I do not mind your forums participation at all.

#3 Parent San Migs - 2016-01-17
Re re: giant statue of mao

Not personal against you, just wonder what interest you have in defending China so much? A Chinese wife is the reason, or......otherwise finding it hard to fathom!!!!!!

#4 Parent Caring - 2016-01-16
Re re: giant statue of mao

Native Americans in either Canada or the US, French in Canada, Irish (perhaps Northern) or Scotish in the EU that you have mentioned have their wishes doomed for instance. Till this very day no Native American has been elected as the president of the US and only one has ever been a VP before; Montreal has shrunk by half a million in past about 30 or so years while Toronto tripled its population in the same time and that not only for the opportunities but you'd have to get deep into the matter to understand the issue there. Scotts could have got their independence for obvious reasons and Northern Irish have been fighting for ages to get their recognition. The Soviet Union did not only collapse for what the west suggested but for what the CCCP Foreign Minister was told sometimes in 1989 prior to the Iron Curtain fall as the west went back on its word not to expand to the east. Anyhow, EU is flawed which will probably bring a war one day, UN is toothless which has proved in cases of Yugoslavia or Irag and the Commonwealth has imposed way too much on its members and the indigenes people not only in Australia, NZ and other Asian nations but also it has wiped out tribes in such islands as Diego Garcia where it accomodated the American military. Whether the statue of Mao is justified or not may depend on the vision of local politicians and whether Xinjiang, Tibet or Taiwan need independence remains to be seen just like it is in cases of our nations' people. One thing, however, is quite certain and that is that Beijing isn't going to send any propaganda to Cherokee Indians or miliraty equipment to Falklands or Hawaii (like the US to Taiwan); although it seems that Russia has made some agreements with the Argentines.

Over and Out

#5 Parent San Migs - 2016-01-16
Re re: giant statue of mao

I agree with you but don't we have similar issues in our nations? We would respect the US or UK but despise the Soviet Union or Peoples Republic of China for example.

Thanks for the reply man, but what do you mean by "our nations"? Don't we have things like the commonwealth, EU, UN...I tend to see myself as European, and a citizen of the WORLD as opposed to the thinking of mainland chinese/other east asians of US and "wai guo".

The Soviet Union was a failed commie experiment that even many Russian academics and intellectuals from both the left and the right will agree on. Many Russians thought it actually degraded the economy and environment of Russia itself, before the revolution in 1917 it was one of the wealthiest countries in the world, after it the Russian Federation is somewhere down near South Africa and perhaps ahead of Romania, so it could be said it is still recovering from it's communist past being locked in a prison of nations.

Peoples Racist China...well it wants to be the next USSR, and in some ways, already is.

#6 Parent Caring - 2016-01-15
Re re: giant statue of mao

I agree with you but don't we have similar issues in our nations? We would respect the US or UK but despise the Soviet Union or Peoples Republic of China for example.

#7 Parent San Migs - 2016-01-15
Re re: giant statue of mao

I am sorry, but I support the uighurs and the tibetans all the way.

They should get priority access over Han, the price of Han colonization, but the han and the capitalist party of china and the peoples racist china government want to be the overlords, then they will have to keep appeasing their minorities....as they certainly don't want to give them independence. Yes, Xinjiang and Tibet, like HK, Macau and Taiwan, are countries in my book, they definitely qualify.

#8 Parent Caring - 2016-01-14
Re re: giant statue of mao

The tests may be purposely adjusted to put some in a disadvantage so that those with more difficult exams get tougher time to get to the best unis such as the ones in Beijing for instance.

#9 Parent San Migs - 2016-01-13
Re re: giant statue of mao

the Chinese high school tests aren't as standard as you may think

But tests should be STANDARD. This is the hallmark of a civilized and developed nation with a good education system, oh wait, I forgot, 5,000 years of history on us hairy armed round eyes, my mistake (sic).

#10 Parent Caring - 2016-01-12
Re re: giant statue of mao

One more time, the Chinese high school tests aren't as standard as you may think, [edited]

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