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#1 Parent John O'Shei - 2016-01-21
Re China is NOT your country.

You're still controlled by global economics and good old capitalism. You played our games and lost on a few bets. Can you just, on behalf of the great Chinese people, shut up and take it like a man? Your fixation with 'face' (what we'd call pointless vanity) will simply not allow you to admit your own mistakes, will it?

#2 Parent martin hainan - 2016-01-20
Re China is NOT your country.

I've lived in Chinatowns in New York City and Paris.

In those diaspora, I've often observed groups of Chinese heatedly discussing in Mandarin and Cantonese and various Fujian dialects their lives in their adopted country. As much as I wish to eavesdrop, I'm unable to understand their conversations. I wonder if they are busy criticizing and critiquing the economies and culture of the U.S. and France. I wonder how their conversations compare to the commentary, nonsense and vitriol that occur in this forum.

China is successfully forging its new powerful position in the world, nijao (poor pinyin? 泥沼?). Fear not: the Sound and Fury of online expats truly signifies nothing.

#3 Parent San Migs - 2016-01-20
Re China is NOT your country.

Nice try at being "nice", but the horse has already bolted the stable.

The independent republic? The people across the straits might disagree with you. Grow out yer box, and become a bit more up to date on world affairs.

#4 Parent nijao - 2016-01-19
Re China is NOT your country.

Thank you for your long reply, you write very nice. You have some good points and you missed others. I am talking about China, the country, the independent republic. You talk about China as if is a small China town place back in your country. Chinese mainlanders will never accept outsiders lecturing how to change things. The era of the great powers controlling China is long gone, over, no more. All the best to you in China.

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