Return to Index › Re China is NOT your country.
#1 Parent Sharp - 2016-01-26
Re China is NOT your country.

The global economy is like a giant house out of which a quarter is Chinese. Assuming this building doesn't fall if the quarter is extensively compromised is irresponsible. Chinese leadership has been self-centered and dictatorial and that has been the reason for the troubles coming. The authoritarian regime has been purposely producing just about everything at low quality and cheaply as it is using its poorly qualified, inexperienced and untrained workforce as well as loads of substandard materials. Moreover, this totalitarian system is directing the country's markets in any direction it wishes the stocks to go in. For these reasons, the communists have quickly built an empire standing on eggshells. Most importantly, the PRC junk contribution to the world is so toxic that the giant house will be extremely difficult to support with it. Just imagine that your own house you are living in has one quarter of its foundation, a wall on a side and a quarter of your roof from eggshells. Does it really take a few bias pros to state the obvious? China truly isn't our country and it should never have been under the circumstances!

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