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#1 Parent Sharp - 2016-01-27
Re China is NOT your country.

People in the positions of such pros as the one in case are making statements for they are expected to make statements. The writer is bias on a few fronts but you are allowed to take him seriously.

The communist China has never been or will (or can) be a market economy, because of the nature of its leadership. Everything in the nation, where succesful intellectuals have to be party members, is under a strict control. The public sector is owned by communists as much as most of the "profitable" private sector is. What people around the world may not know well is that a Chinese "business person" does not have to make any money but to be red. The privatization in this country hasn't worked the way it has in some other places like for example Mexico. Wait and see the unsuccessful private business entities on mainland China being taken over by the government again. Perhaps, the capital disappearing from China (and into our homelands) in hundreds of billions every year, last year apparently half a trillion, may be one indicator. Seeing this, however, we may only be fooled, since Beijing is extremely sleazy as its people may only be putting their assets in our nations to make more for the party members. Anyway, to be more on the author's topic, the IMF and China are in bed together; if the writer suggested the conspiracy, he would have to pack and leave for highlands, wouldn't he?

"I wrote:
The authoritarian regime has been purposely producing just about everything at low
quality and cheaply as it is using its poorly qualified,
inexperienced and untrained workforce as well as loads of substandard materials."

CL replied:
Considering foreign investment, foreign manufacturing and their standards I don't think this
is true for all products as those for export have to meet the quality standards of the
importing country. However, there are several instances where standards have not been
met as reported in the Western media.

Where I have some agreement with your viewpoint is in over-production and over-capacity and
this is the result of a lack of proper regulation in those areas and the desire to
create employment. But deregulation of financial services in the US was a major factor
in the 2008 economic crisis. Many Chinese manufacturers are going bust and are not
receiving state handouts on the basis that this over-capacity has to be addressed.

Quality standards of our nations are compromised every day by our own people as well as overseas Chinese as doing business may be profitable. What is true or not may neither be found on the internet or in the archives of any stats official. This isn't really about corruption, overproduction or deregulation but about the strong hand of the regime keeping the billions and a half people quiet at low costs while empowering itself to be reckoned with.

I wrote:
"China truly isn't our country and it should never have been under the

CL replied:
I don't understand this comment. Global corporations/ multinationals will seek to manufacture
where labour costs are low and regulation is sketchy at best. They appear to have little
interest in maintaining employment and investment in their own countries and actively
seek-out situations where they can maximise profits for shareholders - this is
capitalism, is it not?
How funny it is that so many do not seem to comprehend what the Chinese system is about. Western nations with their governments and/or business people have greedily put their rights, money, expertise or technology directly iinto the hands of commies turning blind eye on the ulterior motives of Beijing. Thus far, so much has been copied that we can't even imagine. Chinese market is totally uncomparable to any western one for its almost complete control of the central government. In the event that the country's economy crashes, the few million ruling communists will still stay on top of all of it and their grown PLA will be in a full command. By the way, the topic is "China is NOT your country", isn't is?
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