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#1 Parent Sharp - 2016-01-28
Re China is NOT your country.

Opinions are valuable sources of information and your voice is as important, however, the knowledge of the Chinese dictatorial regime is the key factor.

Since Chinese powers build their empire on trolling and hacking the internet, copying the effort of mankind and isolating the nation with an evolution that is to support one political ideal only, the country must be avoided by the developed international community. The model, which the communist party suggests, is basically a large sized vehicle without an engine roaring down the hill rather than a creation of a kind. PRC would neither have been accepted by the developed world to such an extent as it has or have grown under such a leadership, if it were as small as Hungary or Poland for instance. Because the large market nation's autocrats have fully taken advantage of their ill educated and indoctrinated underdeveloped population as well as of the greedy developed countries' business people and their desperate to keep economies running governments, the truly capitalist world's governments and businesses have obligations to protect their society.

In fact, I posted in another thread on this topic citing my sources when we were
discussing the issue of over-capacity among other subjects.
I have noticed you have followed up on my previous post with the issue of overproducing in China, although I haven't addressed you well enough in my response to you before. Rather than the excessive manufacturing and/or servicing I've firstly pointed to the huge amounts of inadequately Made in China products which have polluted the world and put strains to our economies and environments. This is the problem for which China must not be our nation and for which we have to put in a reverse before we end up like the people in the cartoon movie "Wall-e" finished in. For the enormous amounts of substandard goods and services that don't last, there is a great stress on energy, recycling, disposals, reproduction, rebuilding and most importantly on the environment which all is borderless.

We know that China is a communist country and that absolute power is maintained through an
authoritarian elite. We also know that there is no unfettered access to the internet and
that freedom of speech is a misnomer. But knowing these things doesn’t take us very
far in understanding why things are the way they are in the US or Europe. The Cambridge
economist, Ha-Joon Chang attempted to provide more context. You feel it’s a biased
outlook because there was no criticism of communism in either piece. And yet as you
rightly say, many countries are embracing communist China in their own economic models
in the same way that we embrace Saudi Arabia. Like I said in ending my last reply - it's
Although the capitalism has many times demonstrated a forceful refusal of dictatorships, it is unwilling to show the same in case of China as Beijing is fooling it with "One Country, Two Systems" title. Haven't we seen enough absurd titles, smelled enough and heard enough on mainland China yet? The Marxist Materialism is a pretty misleading way to relate to our current societies that don't restrict our chances to such an extent as Chinese communists limit their people.

Overall, your and my views seem to have a common ground, and I hail you as an exemplary forums' debater that some other members of the board ought to learn from.

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