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#1 Parent Deal with it - 2016-02-06
Re China is NOT your country.

Most Foreigners you said, still some are dumb enough to marry a spoiled drama queen and then have to deal with daily headaches, fighting, useless sajiao and so on. Seriously fuck that, it's all that they are good for :)

#2 Parent analyst - 2016-02-06
Re China is NOT your country.

I agree, only a fool would marry one of them! Just for short term sex only, nothing more! Only mostly Chinese men are dumb enough to marry them and buy them a house! Fools!

#3 Parent John O'Shei - 2016-02-05
Re China is NOT your country.

What's more, most foreigner don't fall in love or fall for the marriage trap after screwing these chicks. Double win.

#4 Parent Deal with it - 2016-02-05
Re China is NOT your country.

LOL no, Chinese boys have no game so they need to throw money around, that's it. If you got game and an adult sized penis all the Chinese girls around will worship you and give themselves at you for free. I have ONS with dozens of model-like girls 10/10 looking who would ask Chinese guys to buy them all sorts of shit, I did them free of charge, multiple times, I even dated some of them for a while. Laowais got game, even teachers for more game than any rich fuerdai out here, they know how to talk to women, Chinese guys don't, they are awkward, flaunting money around to compensate for their own insecurities and shortcomings is what they do, deal with it :)

#5 Parent John O'Shei - 2016-01-26
Re China is NOT your country.

The Chinese dream is now turning into a nightmare. The economy could derail even the greatest of plans. It's not beyond saving, but you will witness a lot of people digging holes. Those stock exchange protective measures are not boosting confidence at all.

If handled correctly, China could clean up a lot of its mess and emerge even stronger. But I'm not expecting too much.

#6 Parent realistic man - 2016-01-24
Re China is NOT your country.

Only rich men have wives and girlfriends in China. English teachers have no chance. If you want to throw away 150 000 rmb just to snag a short-term Chinese GF, go ahead. The endless demands for clothes, shoes, smart phones, expensive dinners, it will soon drain your bank account! And don't even think of marrying one, up for millions in that case!

#7 Parent San Migs - 2016-01-21
Re China is NOT your country.

Scarily, thats where China will end up, given the recent bookseller case in H.K. Many there definitely don't want a slice of the chinese dream!!

#8 Parent John O'Shei - 2016-01-21
Re China is NOT your country.

China's problems have an effect upon the economies of several other countries; with privilege comes great responsibility and your mishandling of your economy is leading to everybody else holding you accountable for global problems. You've lost a fair bit of trust and credibility now, but if you start to handle this storm well, who knows? You may be able to do well out of it.

If you don't like this current arrangement, may I suggest that you guys take a look at North Korea? They're doing quite well out of their self-reliance/Juche thingy and don't feel a need to be connected with the rest of the world. Maybe as many Chinese people would say: 'have a try!'

#9 Parent nijao - 2016-01-21
Re China is NOT your country.

our lives is one challenging thing we would like to have on the teachers forums that may
not be the cup of tea for nijaos.

You just proved you are trying to fight with someone.
#10 Parent Caring - 2016-01-21
Re China is NOT your country.

As you've replied missing my post, it seems you can write but read. Our planet is a joined in blend of cultures that are truly linked in varieties of ways, and China is on. So, manufacturing for or living in the world isn't just about a billion people with a handful of blind leaders continuously imposing one colored will on them. Regardless of where we are from in China, when we work here we all contribute to the Chinese and world economies with our efforts and families. Many of us try to pay the attention you are suggesting at work, and many of us follow without a challenge what our loyal and often ambitious but unsighted superiors tell us. Anyhow, we buy what is offered to us and when it breaks we buy it again; we accept people who come and when they fail we accept them again; we breath what we can and when it causes troubles we breath it again; and, we pay our dues that go wherever they are meant to go so that this cycle continues. Debating our lives is one challenging thing we would like to have on the teachers forums that may not be the cup of tea for nijaos.

Over and Out

#11 Parent Nova - 2016-01-20
Re China is NOT your country.

Do you have any examples of foreigners not allowing Chinese to run China (or the 50 or so Chinese people at the top) to run China? Has any FT actually intervened in a political meeting, started organized protests, installed a laowai puppet government, or otherwise actually stopped the CCP from contributing up to 25% of my countrys' air pollution, bullying the countries around it, terrorizing tourist sites with bad behavior, and turning the populace into unthinking sheeple? And what is pro-Westerner? The West is a big place, with lots of culture and ethnic groups that are not always pro-each other.

If there is a laowai puppet govenment these days, I might head back. It would be interesting to see how waiguoren in charge could get China back on track...

#12 Parent Carlsson - 2016-01-19
Re China is NOT your country.

Should I also eat dog meat as the Chinese do?

#13 Parent nijao - 2016-01-19
Re China is NOT your country.

When you are in China: Focus in your English teaching, get a girlfriend/wife, have a good time and let Chinese run China the way they want.
Ps, I am a pro westerner.

#14 Parent San Migs - 2016-01-18
Re China is NOT your country.

Hey, Mr Wumao nationalist, this website is not even hosted in CHINA.

Unlike in your country, other countries governments don't block access to social media and news sites, so we have freedom of discussion and freedom to criticize. If you don't like that, go back to your own walled garden internet.

#15 Parent Caring - 2016-01-18
Re China is NOT your country.

Ok, let's troll! The whole world is full of China, made in China, Chinatowns or ill-prepared rich Chinese uni students abroad, so aren't we all on the same boat? In China, locals often aren't allowed to be critical of their leaders, employers or system for obvious reasons but does that mean foreigners in the country should dance to the same tune? Put your arse on planet Earth, count your Chinese around the world (if you can) and see how we all truly are interconnected. Because you've decided to follow your little emperor, others (regardless where they come from) do not have to do the same. Now, go back to your brainwashed social network, and do not come back again!

Over and Out

nijao - 2016-01-17
China is NOT your country.

Stop saying that China does not do it right and that soon the Chinese economy will fall.

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