Return to Index › The Toilet Revolution in China
#1 Parent Max Walsh - 2016-02-22
Re The Toilet Revolution in China

People who have sold out to another society and who like to kiss Chinese arse should not have the audacity to criticize the grammar skills of others. You are a troll and should be banned from this forum.

#2 Parent martin hainan - 2016-02-21
Re The Toilet Revolution in China

The, apparently, 2.5 billion project is about the evolve the ill educated society with a new
"Cultural Revolution".

When criticizing the education of another society, one's written argument is best made when utilizing proper grammar and punctuation.

#3 Parent Caring - 2016-02-21
Re The Toilet Revolution in China

Some public school toilets have no doors which may offer a rather special teacher-student relationship. Perhaps, the toilets are some evidence to the long Chinese history or to why so many little Chinese kids piss and shit anywhere but toilets. On another note, I've heard the unruly washrooms users will be punished and blacklisted (once the new toilet system arrives).

Sharp - 2016-02-21
The Toilet Revolution in China

The, apparently, 2.5 billion project is about the evolve the ill educated society with a new "Cultural Revolution". My sources from local toilets are telling me that we'll still have no toilet paper and soap but doors in every single bathroom.

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