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#1 Parent BinderDundat - 2016-02-24
Re the other

Yes, I see Martin is doing his best to write "Im an intellectual now" however...

The complaints made here are usually about Chinese 'superiority' which is sometimes given the misnomer 'nationalism' in that proper nationalism would be good and well but this is usually just a presumption of China's greatness and *therefore* whatever criticisms must be wrong. Whatever Westerners do differently must be 'problems' or false or lesser.

and that is most of the complaints. The cause of the anger? It might be that Chinese just reply by 'saying the opposite back to you'. Just like you've done. You just take what the critic says and 'accuse them right back'. Now its a 'tie' at least. Chinese are clever see? Holy shlt.

Now, yes, it might also be true that Western culture is superior (it certainly is) that isn't really the main complaint. Being disrespected and 'gamed' (cheated) isn't actually me or anyone 'acting superior' (unless you presume they a low enough to deserve it?).

But hey cite some NY authors, really get that tight grammar going Martin. Its working... or .. well Fake Doctor Turnjoy seem to like it! The good news is that you two phonies won't ever be part of actual NY intellectual circles so its not like you'll get caught out anytime soon.

#2 Parent Curious - 2016-02-23
Re: Re the other

Thanks for the food for thought.

#3 Parent Caring - 2016-02-23
Re the other

There are books, and then there are the facts. What China is mostly is for its leadership, education and developed nations' willingness to deal with Beijing.

A written and printed work is an account of one, or a few individuals, that carefully choose(s) words in order to establish a tone for readers; however discussion forums carry first hand experiences of many spontaneous people, who without any premeditation or gain expected, share their lives and thoughts online. Both examples may be bias for varieties of reasons, but publications may not be as democratic as the world of the internet. Therefore, forums' grievances are to be paid attention to whether they are "self-reflective" or not.

The extreme autocracy and ignorance are driving forces of the PRC, and the xenophobic upbringing and lack of objective instructions are controling the population. Such practices have ruined generations of cultures, and so they will likely harm large populations as the world is pretty much interconnected today.

The Earth turns around money, and the international business is borderless. As soon as People's Republic opened to the outside world, corporations found opportunities to benefit out of the cheap market. Nowadays, it is like a bad marriage in many cases, and withdrawing is a painful option. This ill prepared alliance will probably lead to a disaster of unprecedented proportions.

Anyhow, to reflect on the evolution of human being will have been regrettable when schools raise obedient soldiers to support one dictatorial regime in half of the world one day; or, it will have been something to cry over when our children kill each other for the recognition and respect. What kind of an "anger" that will have been remains to be seen.

martin hainan - 2016-02-23
the other

The treatment of China by the most 'energetic' contributors to this forum exhibits a long tradition of "Orientalism". Those unfamiliar with this term would do well to read Edward Said's book of that name which gives historical context to the "distinction between Western superiority and Oriental [or those who are clearly not British] inferiority."

Individuals who rant on online forums are seldom self-reflective. In a "Teachers Discussion Forum", however, I trust that there are a few contributors who, as teachers, are committed to examining the basis of their beliefs and the causation of their anger.

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