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#1 Parent John O'Shei - 2016-02-27
Re The party is over FOR China

Very nice ideas, but in reality our little ESL thing that we sometimes do; isn't really of that much importance... Other businesses will start failing before ESL businesses do. The services that we offer are often just non-essential expenditure, even at public universities; the government will most likely invest in areas that really can stimulate economic growth, language schools have always been relatively underfunded.

China's got far bigger things to worry about such as the inefficient old SOE dinosaurs that will have to face the chop sooner or later. That will put many of the already most economically disadvantaged people in society out of work; it will also upset some powerful people within the party too that will resist change, because if Xi Jinping can actually clean things up, many of those powerful, rich people will also lose out, or even lose their lives.

China has a lot to gain if it gets the transition process right. A leaner, meaner China will emerge. However, I wouldn't suggest that the China fanboy club get too excited yet; there's one hell of a lot of pain to go through, regardless of the final outcome.

#2 Parent BinderDundat - 2016-02-26
Re Entrapment Party

but you are ashamed of the things you did on ecstacy.

Thats you. That's not right-wing majority types phoning your parents. that's you. thats on you flakey Ch.5 fruits.

#3 Parent San Migs - 2016-02-26
Re Entrapment Party

Well yes there is plenty wrong with doing ecstacy with your friends. It fucks up your brain and body. Friends don't help each other do chemicals like that. It leads to death, mental problems, social shaming etc.

Depends on how you do it, and how you use it, surely?

In more enlightened countries (not China!!) they have drug testing and counselling and education. Much like there is no sex education in China, that causes problems. I heard one chinese guy tell me that he doesn't worry about having sex, as healthy people don't need to worry about getting sexual diseases. I asked him how do you know if someone is healthy just by looking at them? Total failings of the education system, a ticking timebomb awaits them......

Education is the key to moderation and prevention imho, not burying your head in the sand and hoping a problem goes away and refusing to discuss it. Like portugal for example.

#4 Parent John O'Shei - 2016-02-26
Re Entrapment Party

Ecstasy has pros and cons and it is pretty much a case of 'everything in moderation.'

It is of course better to do it whilst you are young and have no real commitments to worry about. As for that party, I'd advise against doing it in China, not only due to stronger Chinese laws, but also the fact there's not really a subculture there that understands it; you're better off at a good European club where you'll have better tunes, access to water, can dance for hours without people thinking that you're some kind of weirdo etc. Try doing that around a Chinese club's VIP area, where chubby combover sporting men in suits drink Chivas and Green Tea with hired girls that are half their age... It just wouldn't seem right.

Very few people have actually died as a result of taking Ecstasy; as long it is real MDMA Ecstasy that you are talking about. However, the serotonin depletion and related issues from doing it too often aren't cool but... Most people then tend to grow up, get jobs, have babies etc.

As for social shaming... That's a problem with all you right wingy tabloid readers, lol. No wonder some of the best clubs in Europe have a 'no phone' policy; not just for protecting those who may have dropped a pill, but also for people that wish to express their sexuality without fear of being exposed etc.

#5 Parent ONCH - 2016-02-26
The party is over FOR China

China will suffer more than we will, without us most training centers in this country will soon see the failure of their business model centered around the presence of White faces and put many Chinese staff in a difficult unemployed situation.

As for us, we will simply relocate to more foreigner friendly, higher paying destinations thanks to our Western passports :b

#6 Parent Caring - 2016-02-26
Re re: the party is over in China

Not only that is the truth but also that of the foreign academics that are coached, supervised and abused by local experts. Now, on jobs that require tons of patience with the local professionals and ill prepared students, drugs are needed more than ever before Teng Xiao Ping opened up to us. Anyhow, whatever the entertainment may be in or out of schools, it may save the remains of our careers in the xenophobic nation where FTs are supposed to "dance" only.

#7 Parent BinderDundat - 2016-02-25
Re Entrapment Party

Well yes there is plenty wrong with doing ecstacy with your friends. It fucks up your brain and body. Friends don't help each other do chemicals like that. It leads to death, mental problems, social shaming etc.

#8 Parent San Migs - 2016-02-25
Re Entrapment Party

What kind of fool goes to a rave with drugs in a foreign country?

I don't know. But not me.

Much to the chagrin of your average dull chinaman who thinks everything outside is bad, there is nothing wrong with Ecstacy with friends however. Alcohol and smoking kill more people in all actuality.

Thanks for the reply. But I have spoken now.

#9 Parent BinderDundat - 2016-02-25
Re re: the party is over in China

The days of turning a blind eye to foreigners antics have already come to an end,

I think that was still going on a little around 2010 in some places but you are right that seems to have mostly disappeared over the last 5 years - at least that I'm aware of. I suppose it might be going on in secret or behind closed doors somewhere. But the local laowai bar bustling nightly with the party kings out hooting and having 'stare-downs' with locals and boasting about how easily they can get weed... well that does seem to have disappeared.

btw - Im not a downer, I'm for a fun good time, I get why people need to 'blow off steam' but yes it always boggled my mind that these types think China is a good place to do this kind of thing. When it gets into 'raves' and drugs and yes thinking this is the Spring Break of Asia or something like that??

#10 Parent BinderDundat - 2016-02-25
Re Entrapment Party

agreed but these little posses of high-fiving laowai are little kings who can scoff at anything that moves. There is the actual name 'scofflaws' for these types.

I guess they were scoffing for a good 5 year stretch or so the long-term people tell me. There was no 'raids' but just slowly shutting it down. I even noticed in the last 1 or 2 years the local laowai bar in my new city has become so quiet you'd think it was closed the odd nights I've driven by. Again, they might be inside but almost never seeing them outside shouting it up, whistling at girls etc anymore.

#11 Parent Average Joe - 2016-02-25
Entrapment Party

What kind of fool goes to a rave with drugs in a foreign country? Why not just walk down the street in those same foreign countries with a sign around your neck that says: "Stupid foreigner here who likes drugs and drugged girls and dance clubs with brothel-like atmosphere".
"Stupid is as stupid does"- Forest Gump. Peace.

San Migs - 2016-02-24
re: the party is over in China

The days of turning a blind eye to foreigners antics have already come to an end, before it used to be foreigners were just told to go home and leave the club.


And wtf do younger foreigners think China is a party destination anyways? No liberal drug laws, most of the clubs have crappy music, and are not conducive to dancing at all. It's not Ibiza or South America ffs, but this is a precendent nonetheless.

Stay safe party people!!!!


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