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#1 Parent Max Walsh - 2016-02-26
Re Entrapment Party

In the case of Chinese women, I think the bitch word is appropriate if they behave in a disrespectful manner toward a foreigner. They must know that to gain the the attention of a Westerner is a privilege, not a right!

#2 Parent John O'Shei - 2016-02-26
Re Entrapment Party

Smashing Rainys... LOL. I'm not sure why the term 'Rainy' never really made an appearance on here before, but that meme accurately describes many silly young Chinese girls.

#3 Parent BinderDundat - 2016-02-25
Re Entrapment Party

As strict as the law are the Chinese (okay, to the best of my knowledge so far) they tend to be reasonable in how the enforce it if and when they do act (or don't act).

Example: numerous accounts of foreigners staying in foreign-run foreigner hostel in a certain area not far from me. Okay, yes, actually 'homegrown marijuana' is grown on rooftops and gardens around here. It seems to be part of some Chinese medicine TCM but I just know some blend it into those incense sticks. My understanding is this should not be confused with modern western drug marijuana in the sense you would pretty much need to smoke a gigantic bowl of the local variety to get near a few hits of modern GMO high-chemical marijuana common in the West for 'getting high' and playing video gam.. i mean curing cancer.

the police simply dont bother them. Because its effectively nothing. Its also kept quiet, the foreigners are quiet. They are not walking around outside high-fiving about how many Rainys they smashed and saying 'watch this' as they 'stare down' a local and then 'Yaaa BITCH!'. They aren't showing locals how to grow stronger weed. They aren't bringing more into things.

From what I'm getting from the rave group is this was definitely blatant partytown. I imagine that they started taking advantage of the leniency and if its the same high-fiving arrogant douchefucks I think it is - they then became well.. yes arrogant about it and full of 'fuck you bitch' attitude and if that is the case I can't be anything but delighted to know they are humbled.

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