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#1 Parent Paul Fox - 2016-03-02
Re Missing HK Booksellers-Part Two

CL...noted, but there is a huge difference between libel/slander and the type of privacy laws that I am referring to. I left the UK in 2000 so I'm not sure how things have changed there, but I know for a fact that Australia has some of the most ridiculous privacy laws I have ever encountered

Case-in-point...my daughter contacted me to tell me that I have an 'outstanding fine' for something-or-other, but it's totally impossible for her to find out any details for me. West Australia has this ridiculous system whereby they attack your driving licence for anything-and-everything. Many years ago I bought a small piece of land in another part of town. No-one told me that by the end of November you are supposed to remove all the grass and weeds to a width of 1m around the perimeter (apparently to create a fire-break). I didn't do this and was 'fined' $250 - but no-one told me about the fine either. The fine was not paid and so they suspended my driving licence (I didn't know) and ended up driving around for FOUR YEARS technically without a licence!

That meant that had I been involved in a car accident etc, my insurance would have been null-and-void

The only way I found out about any of this was when I was stopped by the police on a random licence-check. The cops told me that my licence was suspended but even THEY couldn't tell me why. The cops just give you a business card with a phone number on it and tell you to call them - the problem with that is the fact that the number cannot be called using a mobile phone (only a landline)

So essentially, you call this number, pay the fine with your credit card and your licence is immediately restored - but you have to call someone to come and pick you up and take you to a land-line in order to do it

So what are my options regarding my 'outstanding fine' that I know nothing about?

Firstly I must load my China mobile with RMB500 so I can make international calls (that I don't need thanks to wechat and Skype)

Then I try to call the fines office only to be told I cannot call them using a mobile phone

My daughter cannot find out any information on my behalf

When I go back to Australia, I will more than likely be arrested at immigration due to an outstanding fine that I know nothing about

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