Return to Index › Not all Chinese work in a restaurant
#1 Parent Splunge - 2016-03-06
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant

I am interested though in his views on Chomsky, as he has a degree in Applied Linguistics


In all my years of reading this forum for amusement, I never once heard Silverboy mutter even the barest word concerning linguistics!

His opinion on Chomsky, indeed!

He would think you asking him about chomping on jiaozi instead.

#2 Parent purple haze - 2016-03-05
Re: Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant

haha, the usual trick on here of accusing a poster of being someone else. No, I am not Silverboy, and a quick IP check would prove so. You may be a fan of his, if so, sorry to disappoint you!

#3 Parent JustSaying - 2016-03-05
Re: Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant

Hi, Silverboy!
Nice to see you back here!

#4 Parent purple haze - 2016-03-05
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant

He is/was a polarising figure in ESL. Some people love the guy, others despise him. I am interested though in his views on Chomsky, as he has a degree in Applied Linguistics. His views on China and Chinese women are a bit extreme for my liking. Still one the great characters in ESL though.

#5 Parent Caring - 2016-03-04
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant

Many Chinese restaurants can't keep their consistency as they are too flexible or ignorant in so many areas. A recipe or portion mean little to locals, ingredients are adjusted according to needs of the kitchen, cleanliness is open to translation and so on and on. Then, when one cook leaves and another comes in a restaurant, the menu items are often up to the newcomer. And then, there are the silly excuses; "the dishwasher made a mistake". This is truly what I had to hear in an upscale restaurant today, after I had specifically ordered a non-spicy dish of vegetables which clearly had some "leftovers" of chilly peppers in. I was actually told the dishwasher "did not clean the dish" (whatever that means).

So, Chinese food may be great sometimes, although how healthy it is given the way it may be handled in restaurants and produced locally prior to the arrival to kitchens is questionable. There are many restaurants in China, but there aren't as many toilets or sinks and soap to wash hands. There are many employees that run around their customers in restaurants; however, few of them know what their kitchen is able to prepare. Much of the food industry in China seems to be an underground economy.

In the end, restaurants and their workers are living examples of what China is about, since standards in other sectors or public aren't much different at all. Whether this is a complaint or reflection of how locals go about their daily businesses remains up to you.

#6 Parent paul fox - 2016-03-03
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant

Oops.......seems he was a popular guy then - haha !

#7 Parent Splunge - 2016-03-03
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant

If the thought of being a racist, sexist moronic China-hater appeals to you, then you should feel flattered.

If not, then not.

#8 Parent Paul Fox - 2016-03-03
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant

HHmm - should I be flattered or annoyed to be thought of as 'Silverboy' ?

#9 Parent work it out - 2016-03-03
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant

It is obvious you are not Silverboy, although you were accused of being him!

#10 Parent xinyang - 2016-03-03
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant

You are trolling on here. A newsflash for you : most people in the West don't care about or even think of China. Nobody is envious of them either. We had big houses and cars long before they ever did! Also, a society where only rich men can have a wife or girlfriend is certainly not "harmonious" or "civilized". It 's all about money. You can be super handsome, or have superior sexual ability, Chinese women don't care about that . In the media there is no talk about social issues. Just money mostly, or traffic reports on the radio.

#11 Parent Paul Fox - 2016-03-02
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant

I can't argue with that !

I used to be one of those foreigners who only visited China on short business trips

One week was usually enough for me, ten days max - and then I was always ready to head home

Attitude, mind-set and reason for being here I guess?

#12 Parent Dragonized - 2016-03-03
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant

These trolls crack me up. They say things like how you shouldn't criticize whichever country YOU happen to be living in because it's a place that they love. Yet when I see folks go to the west they bring all their tribalistic bulls*** with them and exercise complete freedom at trying to undermine the values of their new country. Tells you a lot about the "character" of these people, or lack thereof. :D

#13 Parent John O'Shei - 2016-03-02
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant

There's a big difference between genuinely saying something positive about China and lazily following your local Wu Mao Dang's orders with crappy short little posts written in Chinglish, like that one.

Also, what all those foreigners that only visit China for short business trips? They're normally actually pleased to go after two weeks.

#14 Parent Paul Fox - 2016-03-02
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant

No nijao - you are wrong

If it's wrong, it's wrong and most of us don't give a flying [edited] whether a native says it or an immigrant says it

Most of the developed world is getting on with life, creating jobs and opportunities for people whilst countries in the middle-east are still at war over who owns the [edited] mulberry bush

These people are so narcissistic as to think that some fictitious 'god' created the world that they insist that their 'god' is better than any other 'god', when in reality there probably IS no [edited] 'god'

As kids we are taught to believe in the 'Easter Bunny', 'Father Christmas' and the 'tooth fairy', but when we grow out of those fantasies, along comes 'god'.....

Opinions and beliefs differ, but morals and ethics shouldn't

Is it right or wrong to rape, murder, steal?

Most Chinese think that the west is 'free'

haha..... go and live there for a few years and you'll see just how 'free' it is compared to China

We are fooled to believe we live in a democracy when a few people who hold power run our lives

I don't know where you live, but in my 'quaint-little-village' there are millions of e-bikes

I took a new colleague to buy one the other day and he was amazed that he just paid the money and drove it away

In the west there would be road-tax, insurance and a whole host of other charges, but in China it's just like buying a loaf of bread

If you crash it, it's broken - if it stolen, then buy another one, and in the meantime, drive it wherever you like. No tax, no insurance and no annual check-ups to make sure it's 'roadworthy'

If it's 'right' then it's 'right' - if it's 'wrong' then it's 'wrong'

If people hate China, then they should leave, because whingeing and moaning ain't gonna change nothin' !

#15 Parent nijao - 2016-03-02
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant

this China haters are the same people who back in their great EX-power west-country criticize immigrants for saying anything negative about their country regardless who is right or wrong. you people are in China now,no a small chinatown in your country. no offense intended.

#16 Parent Paul Fox - 2016-03-02
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant

Thanks Caring

I have no idea who 'Silverboy' is, but I can assure you I am not him/her

I found this site by accident, but I have been a regular blogger on another Chinese/Western web-site for a few years now and nothing I read on this site is new to me (if you get my meaning?)

People always love to whinge and moan and sites like these give us the opportunity to do that......

People like US who live and work in China know exactly what China is, but those contemplating moving here to teach, don't!

Yes, it's fair that we should warn potentials what to expect when they arrive here and it's fair to help them become well-informed what a poxy, outrageous system operates under the guise of 'teaching'.

Scummy training centres with even scummier bosses who care nothing about education, only about how much money they can rip-off students. Schools who employ foreign teachers to do the job that a Chinese-English teacher could easily do whilst at the same time employing Chinese-English teachers to run IELTS classes that the FT's SHOULD be teaching.

Deans and principals that take money from parents in order to change the student scores so they can go abroad to study.....need I go on?

My school had a visit today from a lovely Chinese university teacher from Canada. She grew up there so her English is pretty 'perfect'. Her job is now to travel around schools in China to see what is happening as to why students, who apparently get high grades, don't know the difference between a verb and an adjective and don't understand simple questions such as 'Where do you come from?' when they arrive in Canada/USA etc

So yes......we ALL know that the system is f*cked and we ALL know the endless list of 'problems' in China. But China DOES have its good points too....sometimes they are hard to find, but they ARE there if you look hard enough.....

Just because somebody finds one and points it out, doesn't make them a 'wumao' - That's all I am saying....

#17 Parent Paul Fox - 2016-03-02
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant


My point exactly......if they don't like it, leave.....simple

You're also right about SOME FT's being good teachers and good people but on the whole I (sadly) have to say that at least 90% of the ones I have met are complete assholes
I teach in a middle school (grade 10 and 11) and have been there just over one year. I am already the longest-serving FT

One teacher was fired for biting a student....yes, BITING......and I mean biting his finger right down to the bone.....this was about 2 weeks after he picked up a student desk, lifted it above his head and hurled it across the classroom, narrowly missing a student

He has now been replaced with a much older FT who has been teaching in China for more than a decade. We had our first FT meeting today - one week after the new guy arrived - and he spent most of the meeting calling the person who hired him an 'asshole, faggot, c*nt, liar' and 'someone he didn't even want to be in the same room as' - all for no reason

The funny thing is that BOTH these guys happen to be from the same country. That country happens to be regarded as the 'politically correct capital of the world' - I'll leave you to figure out where it is lol

#18 Parent nijao - 2016-03-02
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant

Again I ASK, why is it that EVERYONE who says something positive about China on this forum is
labelled a wumao?

Good point sir.Some posters here resent China being prosperous.The big question is what are they doing in China taking all this "daily abuse".
Ps. Some FT are good teachers and good people.

#19 Parent nijao - 2016-03-02
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant

If you don't like China, f*ck off and live somewhere else - easy!

Good point sir.

sour grapes: used to refer to an attitude in which someone adopts a negative attitude to something because they cannot have it themselves.

#20 Parent nijao - 2016-03-02
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant

Mr. Paul Fox you are a wumao .just joking. Not everyone is a freakin wumao people.

#21 Parent Caring - 2016-03-02
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant

Paul Fox you are, but it DOESN'T seem you are "NEW TO THIS FORUM". I don't mean to flame here but point out the obvious. Perhaps, you just share some similarities with Silverboy who also participated on so well. Now, enjoy your Chinese food, the problems and welcome to the forum.

@John O'Shei

So Lou is a 'wumao' because he says that Chinese food is the best? Where did he say that 'FOOD IN CHINA' is the best?

Again I ASK, why is it that EVERYONE who says something positive about China on this forum is labelled a wumao?

Maybe Lou has never been to Australia?

I have eaten the best Chinese food in 2 places - Hong Kong and Vietnam and I lived in Australia for 15 years

China has it's faults.....boot-loads of them.....but not EVERYTHING is bad. I'm new to this forum but I'm already sick-and-tired of seeing the word 'wumao' every time someone points out one of China's (FEW) 'good points'

If you don't like China, f*ck off and live somewhere else - easy!

#22 Parent Paul Fox - 2016-03-02
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant

@John O'Shei

So Lou is a 'wumao' because he says that Chinese food is the best? Where did he say that 'FOOD IN CHINA' is the best?

Again I ASK, why is it that EVERYONE who says something positive about China on this forum is labelled a wumao?

Maybe Lou has never been to Australia?

I have eaten the best Chinese food in 2 places - Hong Kong and Vietnam and I lived in Australia for 15 years

China has it's faults.....boot-loads of them.....but not EVERYTHING is bad. I'm new to this forum but I'm already sick-and-tired of seeing the word 'wumao' every time someone points out one of China's (FEW) 'good points'

If you don't like China, f*ck off and live somewhere else - easy!

#23 Parent lou - 2016-03-01
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant

freshness of chinese food outside china not good.

#24 Parent John O'Shei - 2016-03-01
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant

The Chinese wumao brigade stoops to a new simplistic low.

Not to mention that the best Chinese food is actually found in Australia rather than China thanks to superior Western food hygiene laws and ingredient sources, lol.

#25 Parent lou - 2016-03-01
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant

chinese food is best and cheap by far.

nijao - 2016-03-01
Not all Chinese work in a restaurant

China PM cooking

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