Return to Index › can a poor foreigner find a girlfriend in China?
#1 Parent searching - 2016-03-13
Re can a poor foreigner find a girlfriend in China?

A good idea is to try and find an average looking but smart and healthy looking Chinese gal around 31 with a voluptuous figure. Not only will she be able to make her own money, she will be hot in bed also. The same with other Asian women. Chinese teachers and other women involved in education however? Mostly useless, forget it!

#2 Parent paul fox - 2016-03-13
Re can a poor foreigner find a girlfriend in China?

@John O'Shei


Who said that ANYONE came here solely to find a gtirlfriend?

A legitimate question was asked by someone who has been in China for 2 months. What are sites like this FOR if not to provide an opportunity for 'newbies' to ask questions from those more experienced?

So where to find a girlfriend?

Well there's the local bar where you MAY find a Chinese woman who hasn't already slept with every laowai in town, or perhaps the workplace where you can sleep with as many female teachers as possible before moving to your NEXT scumbag training centre. Oh, and then there's the students who so DESPERATELY want to bang their teacher all night - another 'wonderful idea'

The guy asked a perfectly legitimate question and I was offering some 'advice' with the best of intentions. None of us need smart-ass comments from people who just ASSUME that foreigners come here with their 'main motivation' being to find a girlfriend.


#3 Parent Married to a big brain - 2016-03-13
Re can a poor foreigner find a girlfriend in China?

I suggest you update your hangouts and the type of girls you meet. China has plenty of wonderful ladies who are not obsessed with money, but you won't find those in bars and malls or in clubs. Also forget about Rainies and Vivians working as teachers in your school, they are dumb and worthless.

Try to meet highly educated university students or professional ladies with post-graduate education and decisional positions. Studies have proven that there is a direct correlation between intelligence and materialism with smarter people being less materialistic and "show off" than their dumber counterparts. Also smart women can make shitload of money on their own so they don't need yours.

But be aware that these smart women will expect you to be able to hold to their level, not in terms of wealth but in terms of world views, thoughts and overall intelligence. Be ready for hours long debates on various phylosophical topics and hangouts such as art expos rather than bars and clubs.

#4 Parent Hahaha - 2016-03-13
Re can a poor foreigner find a girlfriend in China?

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Also not all of them are materialistic, though the vast majority are :b

#5 Parent San Migs - 2016-03-12
Re can a poor foreigner find a girlfriend in China?

You would be surprised, knew one british bloke in his 40s who more or less told me that was the main reason he came to SE asia/China.

#6 Parent John O'Shei - 2016-03-12
Re can a poor foreigner find a girlfriend in China?

If your sole motivation for coming all the way to China is to find a wife/girlfriend; something must be terribly wrong with you.

#7 Parent paul fox - 2016-03-11
Re can a poor foreigner find a girlfriend in China?


Just as an 'add-on' to my previous comment in this thread, you could try dating sites. Now before you say 'no way Jose...' there's a couple that I have had a lot of (how shall we say...) 'success' with, when it comes to meeting women.

As someone said before, it (kind-of) depends on what you are looking for - companionship, casual sex, long-term relationship etc - but who knows what will happen?

One of my colleagues, (a 25-ish, rather handsome, ripped, 'dude') started out looking for a casual relationship, but ended up falling in love with someone (who's not Chinese by the way) and they just got engaged - and he's been in China for about 18 months

Perhaps the moderators here won't allow me to recommend any dating sites to you nor suggest any, but if you choose to go down this 'road' then I am sure they will allow me to tell you what TYPE of site to AVOID......

There are essentially 2 kinds of Chinese-Western (cross-cultural) Dating Sites....

1) There are the ones where you pay money to buy 'points'. Each time you write to a 'girl' you are deducted points and when 'she' writes back to you, you are deducted more points. Needless to say that your points (and your money) are gone rather quickly......

2) The second type (and the type I would recommend you try), is where you simply pay an annual subscription (USD$70 or so) and you get access to all the girls/women members, and can write to them (and they to you). as freely and as often as you like.

There's two that I have in mind and if you want to give either of them a try, then let me know and I'll post them here and hope the moderators allow it

I have been blogging on one of them for several years, (so let's just say that I have some 'experience'), and I'm happy to help a fellow 'laowai' if I can.

But for now, perhaps the BEST piece of advice I can give you is this......

How often do you find money in the street? You know......just lying there on the road?.....Answer = seldom, but it DOES happen occasionally

Would you find money in the street if you went LOOKING for it? - Answer = Probably not!

So stop LOOKING for 'money' and wait until you just stumble across it............it, (she) is there somewhere.....waiting for you to find it, (her)

2 months is NOTHING................'chillax' dooooooode !

#8 Parent paul fox - 2016-03-11
Re can a poor foreigner find a girlfriend in China?

Martin makes a good point but there seems to be 2 essential things missing from this thread so far..

1) Chinese people are awesome at stereotyping. As far as they are concerned, ANY western male in China is here for one thing only - to bed as many women as possible in the shortest possible time.

2) Secondly as Martin says, they are usually looking for a long-term-relationship ("Hello, nice to meet you, will you marry me?' kind-of attitude) and so the 'laowai' in China is often seen as being 'here today, gone tomorrow' and as such, not the 'ideal' partner to introduce to 'mummy and daddy'

Don't be in a rush to meet someone - if it's going to happen, it will.

#9 Parent San Migs - 2016-03-11
Re can a poor foreigner find a girlfriend in China?

Sometimes I honestly wonder why so many gweilo/laowai guys bother wasting their time with chinese women. Greedy, materialistic, and they don't even make the top 10 of most beautiful women in the world. Now colombian women on the other hand:-)

#10 Parent John O'Shei - 2016-03-11
Re can a poor foreigner find a girlfriend in China?

It's times like this, when I really miss Silverboy...

Regardless of the cultural aspect, you owe them nothing. You may as well just find a girl that can make her own money. There's a fair few attractive rich women that seem impossible to date in the eyes of most locals because they actually don't need a man. They can be worth a try.

#11 Parent John O'Shei - 2016-03-10
Re can a poor foreigner find a girlfriend in China?

There's some truth in that... I know some guys in jobs that are actually lower paid than teaching at TC's, yet their roles are far more attractive in the eyes of such women. If you are still in your 20's, just claim to be an intern or student, lol.

However, there's a lot of 'consultants' and 'trainers 'out there who are really just teachers and even when they do genuinely do such a job; they may very well be doing uni teaching to get the visa. So, you can just dress it up a bit; if you just want to bang such silly girls for fun.

If you're looking for wife material though, just find a girl that would love you regardless of your job/wealth.

#12 Parent Caring - 2016-03-10
Re can a poor foreigner find a girlfriend in China?

Good observation! Many of them calculate what they can get out of you. Moreover, many of them are racists. Having said this, however, I wouldn't count the honest ones out as they may lurk around for the reason that once they are seen with you they are doomed locally. Keep in mind that although materialistic girls are in big cities, gold diggers have been found in small towns as well. Anyhow, it's hard to blame the girls, since the Chinese moral code obligates the young generation to take care of the old one.

#13 Parent martin hainan - 2016-03-10
Re can a poor foreigner find a girlfriend in China?

It is easy to meet girls but as soon as they find out I
am "just a teacher" they lose interest. It seems everything here is only about
money. Being handsome and fit seems to count for nothing. Is it really like this
everywhere in China?

Nothing is like anything EVERYWHERE in China, despite the responses you are likely to receive from the misogynist chorus below.

It is generally true, however, that the vast majority of young Chinese women view 'dating' as an interview for marriage, unlike young people in Western countries for whom dating is, well, dating.

Being 'fit' for marriage is a cultural construct. In China, a foreigner without assets or residency is judged as not fit for marriage by young women who are educated and unmarried.

lurker - 2016-03-10
can a poor foreigner find a girlfriend in China?

I have been in China for two months. It is easy to meet girls but as soon as they find out I am "just a teacher" they lose interest. It seems everything here is only about money. Being handsome and fit seems to count for nothing. Is it really like this everywhere in China? I feel very down!

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