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#1 Parent Paul Dou - 2016-03-14
Re Safety

I went into work this morning not knowing what expect. Waiting for me in my office was the new head teacher looking very concerned. He said that he was very sorry for what had happened, but he said he confronted the boy who I said was the guilty party and that boy refused to accept responsibility. Today, The Principal of the school gave a talk to the students telling them(in a nutshell) not be disrespectful to the foreign teacher. I don't think I will pursue this any further because it's my word (foreigner), against what I understand is a well connected wealthy Chinese boy. Other than this incident I have never been treated disrespectfully. My working condition and benefits are good. So I will forgive and move on and do my best not to carry any ill will towards this boy. Thanks for reading.

#2 Parent San Migs - 2016-03-13
Re Safety

I'd have pinned him to the wall and told him in no uncertain terms that if it happens again, he will get a dental bill that I doubt he would be able to pay. Hopefully that would be the end of it. It is disgraceful the chinese teachers will not reign him in imho.

Hang in there,

#3 Parent paul fox - 2016-03-13
Re Safety

Not enough information.........

You can 'deal' with this 'idiot' in several ways but first you need to find out why he did this to you and be 100% certain that he did it on purpose.

I'm sure that after teaching for ten years you don't need to be reminded to 'stay calm'. You may even need to give him the 'benefit of the doubt' this time if he SAYS it was an 'accident'.

I had an aggressive student to deal with about 10 months ago - similar situation to you insofar as his English was useless - but now we get on well together, probably because I refused to just 'give up'.

Believe me when I say that I don't go in for the politically correct 'softly-softly, fluffy bunny' approach either!

There's ways to deal with people like this but you NEED to find out why he did this to you, or why he chose YOU to vent his anger upon. Until then there's little you can do other than complain to other teachers or the headteacher of his class (if he has one), but then you run the risk of making yourself appearing to be incapable of dealing with him ....I guess...

Paul Dou - 2016-03-13

Has anyone felt with a really aggressive student before? I have been teaching for ten years and have never come across a student like this. He has been in trouble for fighting other students in high school and now I feel I may have upset him in some way. On Friday after the bell rang, the students were all in a hurry to leave for the night. As I was leaving something hit me so hard my arm flew way up in the air as if I was pointing to the sky. I turned around and saw this student that I'm concerned about. No apology or anything like that came from him. He just continued walking as if nothing happened. This student's English abilities are very elementary so speaking to him seems to be not the answer. I told a Chinese teacher and she said "why would that student do that to you". Has anyone ever had to deal with an aggressive student before when you you were teaching in China? I would like to know what you would do if you were in my shoes. Thanks in advance!

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