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#1 Parent Raoul Duke - 2006-07-16
Right On! - Teachers Discussion

Better yet, don't use recruiters at all, no matter who and where you are. They tend to be bad news for ALL foreign teachers.

The internet is gorged with EFL job ads. Roll your own and save yourself a lot of heartbreak.

A lot of Filipinas are babes...brown skin and all. I thoroughly approve. ;-{)

mj - 2006-07-16
beware of illegal recruiters - Teachers Discussion *Link*

i came to china thru a chinese recruiter, i was kinda worried coz of the possibility of being faked but lucky for me the agency and the school exceeded my expectations.

but with my five months stay here, i've heard alot of cases where filipinos were faked by their own countrymen. filipinos have been underrated here in china just for having brown skin (well, whites envy our tanned skin) and black hair. so, in short, we are descrimintaed and abused.

whats my point? i want to let aspiring teachers not to make business with CECILIA and JOCELYN who recruit in baguio and benguet.

china has lift their qualifications in hiring foreign teachers. dont be deceived by these people.

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