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#1 Parent amused - 2016-03-22
Re re: Chinese type big brother surveillance

British self-described experts on China, admittedly ignorant about their own historic commonwealth, seem plentiful.

Your WeChat messages are not from students, they are from pimps. If these brokers knew you were too 'mean' to even spring for dinner with a young women, they would ignore you, as I now plan to do.

I'd more productively discuss cabbages and kings with a Walrus than discuss global economics with a 'British' FT in China.

#2 Parent cool max - 2016-03-22
Re re: Chinese type big brother surveillance

As I am British, don't know much about Australia. I do know that most Western people can still out spend Chinese by a ratio of 5 to 1. If Chinese are so rich then why do so many Chinese students work part time as prostitutes to earn extra cash? I get messages from students everyday on We Chat offering me sex for cash. 400 to 1000 rmb. You are speaking crap, you have no idea about contemporary China. The economy is on a downward spiral and debt is out of control. 5.3 per cent economic growth, the same as two per cent in the West!

#3 Parent amused - 2016-03-21
Re re: Chinese type big brother surveillance

No "free lunches"

This is one of the many Western pablums for idiots justifying the consolidation of multi-generational wealth.

Bill Gates had the "free lunch" of an internet devised by public universities, highways and airports and electrical grids constructed by generations of federal funds and union labor, employees educated by public universities, a legal system constructed by hundreds of years of Western Civilizations all freely provided to develop, deliver and then protect his "intellectual property".

There is plenty of "free lunch". There is no "individual achievement". All "intellectual property" is collaborative.

#4 Parent amused - 2016-03-21
Re re: Chinese type big brother surveillance

Ah, you feel the poor White Trash Burden to educate the Chinese people.

Sir, your Turnbull is only the latest Australian PM servicing Chinese companies and government officials in the same manner that Silverboy's aging pros service him.

The relationship of China to your country now is akin to Europe's relationship to your Aboriginals in the 19th century.

China's Yellow Burden is to keep Australian FTs sober often enough to perform like the unwitting amusing language monkeys they have been hired to be.

Your concern about socializing Chinese women is a dingo worried about the welfare of human babies.

#5 Parent compare the pair - 2016-03-21
Re re: Chinese type big brother surveillance

I think the main thing to remember is that nobody deserves to be given or handed anything. It applies to everyone, not just Chinese women. No "free lunches", everyone should provide for themselves.

#6 Parent cool max - 2016-03-21
Re re: Chinese type big brother surveillance

If you take Chinese women to expensive eating places then indeed you are a fool. They will never understand the concept of self-reliance whilst laowai like you around the place!

#7 Parent amused - 2016-03-20
Re re: Chinese type big brother surveillance

You needn't assume: you may ask. I do indeed enjoy taking beautiful young women to expensive restaurants.
The painful fact is that every man and his money are eventually parted.
You and Silverboy are certainly entitled to squirrel away your Australian dollars by entertaining your professional GoldenGirls at Mickey D's.
No doubt you and your progeny will in time need the money to post bail.

#8 Parent cool max - 2016-03-20
Re re: Chinese type big brother surveillance

I must assume then that you like to waste money taking Chinese women out for expensive meals? Well, a fool and his money are easily parted!

#9 Parent amused - 2016-03-20
Re re: Chinese type big brother surveillance

Why do foreigners in China take young wmen they hardly even know out to expensive restaurants? I would NEVER do
that, and can't understand why anybody else would either!

Since you only see women as a holster for your gun, you wouldn't understand.
No doubt you've never seen the inside of a museum or a library since they don't serve beer and the women are fully clothed.
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