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#1 Parent Caring - 2016-03-26
Re hypocrites

You truly aren't teaching in a foreign country but are on FTs forums where people are more open-minded than you. In a way, because you're not a FT, you're a "hypocrite" for participating on the board. Had I joined a "www.chinesearmyboard.com", I wouldn't have gone on questioning the Chinese soldiers' feelings about their jobs, but I would have been more careful debating issues while thinking, reading and writing in the language I am not so comfortable with. In any case, I love my job; and, it doesn't have as much to do with China as you may think. So, you and your mates behind that computer should think twice before you click on foreign forums again.

No..no. I am not sick at all. I am not teaching anything in a foreign country that i dislike so much. I hope that you and your mates focus more in teaching esl. Good luck and nothing personal/
#2 Parent nijao - 2016-03-25
Re hypocrites

Here you go as a "Sick Troll"

No..no. I am not sick at all. I am not teaching anything in a foreign country that i dislike so much. I hope that you and your mates focus more in teaching esl. Good luck and nothing personal/
#3 Parent Caring - 2016-03-19
Re hypocrites

Here you go as a "Sick Troll" again. Read my other reply to you, singular, in which I addressed your character, and then look in the mirror to see how you have failed to address the debate which you have started. If you respect FTs as you say, you'll incarnate again as a visionary rather than devolutionary.

i cannot wait to see your next post,maybe you will tell us that the revolution was a failure and that today's CH is a real poor and needed country and that the biggest mistake of the Chinese mainlanders back then was to ran away the smart Chinese, the ones that went to Taiwan and overseas.
#4 Parent nijao - 2016-03-18
Re hypocrites

A dictator with a few hard heads in his office shaped the Nazi Germany.

probably this was what said after the first WW. (No disrespect to today's Germans)
Put those hungry Chinese people and
disillusioned PLA that Deng Xiaoping revamped after the failures on the Russian and
Vietnamese borders in quotes to argue then.

That is the prize of revolutions, nobody knows the outcome.a better ? is why the revolution happened in the first place,was that because Chinese were tire of foreigners and decided to be lead by Chinese?
But that'd be in the other post to follow up on, wouldn't it?

i cannot wait to see your next post,maybe you will tell us that the revolution was a failure and that today's CH is a real poor and needed country and that the biggest mistake of the Chinese mainlanders back then was to ran away the smart Chinese, the ones that went to Taiwan and overseas.

#5 Parent Caring - 2016-03-18
Re hypocrites

Even though EU nations truly have "outsiders rattle their cages", many of them aren't so xenophobic as most Chinese tend to be.

I wrote:
outsiders rattle their cages which would eventually point to their leaders
You replied:
I disagree with you here. Europeans like Greeks have big problems with more successful and well educated outsiders telling them how to live and structure their economy.
#6 Parent Caring - 2016-03-18
Re hypocrites

Don't be thick! A dictator with a few hard heads in his office shaped the Nazi Germany. Morever, wrongly following up the quotes polarizing the debate with the pre-Mao Zedong China is contemptuous to say the least. Put those hungry Chinese people and disillusioned PLA that Deng Xiaoping revamped after the failures on the Russian and Vietnamese borders in quotes to argue then. But that'd be in the other post to follow up on, wouldn't it?

I Wrote:
had people from around the world seen Hitler dangerous to them
in 1920s or early 1930s, they would probably have avoided the WW2 then.
You Replied:
Are you saying that one person caused all that destruction.

for your information, when foreigners got involved in CH, more Chinese went hungry and died. All foreigners in CH did was to pick a few Chinese to be rich and control all the rest starving and dying.that is what occupation do everywhere. Are you justifying and defending occupations? Nothing personal, anyone from your lot can reply to this.

#7 Parent caring - 2016-03-18
Re hypocrites

Isn't it the fact that had China not opened on the end of 1970s it'd still be where Cambodia is today? Isn't it the fact that the late 1970s communists adjusted their rhetorics after they experienced the hunger and military humiliation at their northern borders with Russia and southern borders with Vietnam? Hard to imagine the misery of lost soldiers' families after the PLA's 20 or so mile incursion into the northern Vietnam then. Deng Xiaoping demonstrated his people how much his nation's leadership needed to re-think the ways they went about their business. So, should we "believe"? No. Should we know? Yes.

I Wrote:
China opened when it was hungry;
You Replied:
do you really believe that. No occupation or intervention is good anywhere.
#8 Parent caring - 2016-03-18
Re hypocrites

The non-proliferation treaty is the reason why many people are affected. Just imagine that your neighbor can own a gun but you can't. The nuclear agreement has a huge impact on geo-politics and overall well being of civilizations. However I'd never want a gun, my politicians make me have it. Would I want to return to the Stone Age? No. Would I want our societies to evolve? Yes. Don't forget that the production of arsenal accounts for a large portion of some nations' GDP as well as the GWP which brings me back to the money that our rock turns around.

would you agree with your country not having an army or any nuclear arsenal ready
#9 Parent nijao - 2016-03-17
Re hypocrites

I "propose" nothing but state the obvious. 6 or 7 billion inhabitants on this rock
have not "tried" the respect yet, but they've truly failed in so many

No probs. actions speak louder than words.would you agree with your country not having an army or any nuclear arsenal ready.if you do,then you are right with the respect talk of <6 or 7 billion inhabitants on this rock>

#10 Parent comment - 2016-03-17
Re hypocrites

outsiders rattle their cages which would eventually point to their leaders

I disagree with you here. Europeans like Greeks have big problems with more successful and well educated outsiders telling them how to live and structure their economy.

#11 Parent nijao - 2016-03-17
Re hypocrites

China opened when it was hungry;

do you really believe that. No occupation or intervention is good anywhere.

#12 Parent nijao - 2016-03-17
Re hypocrites

had people from around the world seen Hitler dangerous to them
in 1920s or early 1930s, they would probably have avoided the WW2 then.

Are you saying that one person caused all that destruction.

for your information, when foreigners got involved in CH, more Chinese went hungry and died. All foreigners in CH did was to pick a few Chinese to be rich and control all the rest starving and dying.that is what occupation do everywhere. Are you justifying and defending occupations? Nothing personal, anyone from your lot can reply to this.

#13 Parent Caring - 2016-03-17
Re hypocrites

I "propose" nothing but state the obvious. 6 or 7 billion inhabitants on this rock have not "tried" the respect yet, but they've truly failed in so many respects.

#14 Parent Caring - 2016-03-17
Re hypocrites

Since we all live on the same rock, the call how to respect each other is borderless. China opened when it was hungry; closing after it has been helped only proves how hypocritical the country was/is when taking whatever is useful from others while not accepting what is inconvenient. This isn't about the corruption which you are suggesting but about the way of life in which people are really people rather than some tools, robots or aliens. To make it clear for you, had people from around the world seen Hitler dangerous to them in 1920s or early 1930s, they would probably have avoided the WW2 then. No, I am not suggesting there's a Hitler in China but pointing out that we are living on an interconnected planet where everyone counts and where anyone could affect anyone else. Anyhow, don't be a bigot isolating Chinese from others as others are in China and scores of Chinese just about everywhere.

#15 Parent nijao - 2016-03-16
Re hypocrites

The world is turning around
money and so our "hypocrites" that have their ways to delude you as well as
those "hypocrites" in case here can do their tricks.

what do you mean? "the world is turning". if China be weak today and the great western powers including JP be strong, what do you think it will happen:same, same. to make my point better,give back today all the power and arms to the European who stated the big wars last century, what do you think they will do tomorrow? Again, you write well and make good points, but what you propose was already tried and fail. No disrespect to you.

#16 Parent nijao - 2016-03-16
Re hypocrites

When one of the first words of a kid is "waiguoren", you
know where the wind is blowing from...the party meeting

Much better for local Chinese to see in CH Chinese corrupts with power than foreigners corrupt wit power. The time of the so called great powers dictating to China is long over. Nothing personal, you write well and have some good points, but this is NOT your and you lot call, it is the Chinese people,corrupt or not.best to you.

#17 Parent Caring - 2016-03-16
Re hypocrites

Cabbie's loud radio announcement he had a foreign family in his car made us feel so special today. If this didn't happen to us a million times already, we'd think he was just rude. Billion people feel no different from this fine red lights driver and neither does their educational system. When one of the first words of a kid is "waiguoren", you know where the wind is blowing from...the party meeting :)

So, why would they be "hypocrites"? The simple answer is that they'd have the well educated and behaved outsiders rattle their cages which would eventually point to their leaders' shortcomings which would probably tick the caged ones off pretty much.

Anyhow, the "hypocrites" need to keep their demographics and levels of education within their norms in order to stay "hypocrites". The world is turning around money and so our "hypocrites" that have their ways to delude you as well as those "hypocrites" in case here can do their tricks.

#18 Parent paul fox - 2016-03-16
Re hypocrites


Beijing is Now Letting Expats Apply for Visas Online


Beijing\'s Public Security Bureau has simplified visa applications for foreigners.

#19 Parent nijao - 2016-03-16
Re hypocrites

good point sir.the bigger picture is that local Chinese in general dont trust much ANY foreigner with good reasons from all the abuse foreigners made in CH in the past.

#20 Parent pipistrelle - 2016-03-16
Re hypocrites

I forgot. it is NoT a fair world. the haves and well connected the rights ones and the dont have the wrong ones. So if you world is like that, why you lot criticize China day in and day out.

The world is not fair, and that includes the outrageous visa regulations that apply to every westerner in China on a Chinese visa.

For example, why should you be expected to register with the local PSB within twenty-four hours if you choose to visit a Chinese national in another city and reside with said person instead of booking a hotel room during the duration of your short stay? If you don't register, and you're found out residing at the private apartment of your Chinese friend, you'll be fined 2.000 RMB.

China deserves continuous criticism for its unfair and restrictive visa regulations alone! Good to see this happening on this forum!

#21 Parent nijao - 2016-03-15
Re hypocrites

I forgot. it is NoT a fair world. the haves and well connected the rights ones and the dont have the wrong ones. So if you world is like that, why you lot criticize China day in and day out.

nijao - 2016-03-15

whining about racism to other ethnic group and NOT saying much about the daily anti-Chinese rant. hypocrites hypocrites hypocrites

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