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#1 Parent amused - 2016-03-28
Re Ticket to ride

".. millions of Chinese who come to our western countries. Our countries let them prosper and take care of their families and live in peace. But China does not know how to return this privilege."

it's not what's being discussed at the moment.

My response was to the first post above. I welcome your status as monitor of what is being "discussed at the moment".

#2 Parent Raffi - 2016-03-28
Re Ticket to ride

Your hearts in the right place, mate. We can all agree genocide is terrible of course. But it's not what's being discussed at the moment. Seems like you released some vitriol though so good on you. That's what the Internet is for.

#3 Parent amused - 2016-03-27
Ticket to ride

Just like millions of Chinese who come to our western countries

YOUR western countries.

If your 'western country' is the U.S., Australia, or Canada, your ancestors murdered and enslaved the indigenous populations prior to "allowing" subsequent immigrants to "prosper" on your invaded 'homeland' and its stolen resources. Gracious privilege indeed.

If your 'western country' is England your ancestors were gregarious enough to invade many nations, including China, to murder and pillage on a wholesale, eventually corporate, basis.

It is perhaps your misfortune to 'occupy' China at a time when it is able to defend itself.

But you might pardon the Chinese for lacking sympathy for your plight or granting you entitlement status. You are not a citizen. You are not a permanent resident. You are not a refugee. You are temporary immigrant labor.

Happily, every day there are flights from China to YOUR home that you contend continues to treat its immigrant labor so remarkably well.

#4 Parent Rafael - 2016-03-27
Re hypocrites

Maybe we don't want to be embraced. We just want to get our paychecks, which we earned, and be left alone. Just like millions of Chinese who come to our western countries. Our countries let them prosper and take care of their families and live in peace. But China does not know how to return this privilege.

#5 Parent Caring - 2016-03-19
Re hypocrites

I called you out, since you somewhat deliberately fail to see the logic and the meaning of messages on board. This isn't about being insulted but caring for the discussions and readers who might want to participate in. FTs in China are often isolated socially and professionally, and so they deserve better than some crappy debates in which posters can neither read nor think what they write. Although the topic you began trolling with is challenging, you have failed to connect with the thoughts on which triggered my response. You can't just "take it back", but you can learn from it and think harder than you have to put your contribution forward next time. I hope that this does not sound as a poster on a high horse and I look forward to your upcoming attempts to persuade readers how great China is which I don't have a problem with at all.

This does not sound like you.so far you have been ok to have a debate.if anything i said
offended you personal,i take it back.
I support FT in CH,but changing Chinese mentality to embrace again westerners is not ez and
almost impossible.
As for the "Chinese mentality" that is so controlled by the local powers and their education, I see plenty of evidence in which those peoples' ways of thinking well adjust "to embrace westerners". All they have to do is to get out of their system in which they are continuously suppressed at schools, work or in their social lives. Once they "embrace westerners", they begin thinking outside their boxes and having varieties of views on topics/issues they didn't even conisder debating before. Once they know they don't have to fear repercussions for what they say or do, they are just as many other people that I am used to. Yes, many Chinese are fine people that are deprived of the evolution humankind deserve. Whether it is possible or not to change the suppressive Chinese system remains to be seen.
#6 Parent nijao - 2016-03-18
Re hypocrites

You sick troll!

This does not sound like you.so far you have been ok to have a debate.if anything i said offended you personal,i take it back.
I support FT in CH,but changing Chinese mentality to embrace again westerners is not ez and almost impossible.
#7 Parent Caring - 2016-03-18
Re hypocrites

You sick troll! We all know who's responsible for the occupation and that not "all Chinese" agree with their northwestern cultures. I am sure you're well familiar with the term "Xinjiang Lao" which so many Chinese use so often. You know that a large number of Chinese wouldn't bother dealing with those people, since "Xinjiang Lao" or Dalai Lama people don't fit the Han picture. The poster you are replying to merely stated that he disagreed with the occupation, so take your trips around the world and strike your gentle part rather than keyboard.

#8 Parent nijao - 2016-03-18
Re hypocrites

Get your historical facts right

are you suggesting that all Chinese are responsible for those occupations. Not all British are responsible or agree with the occupation of Northern Ireland or Scotland, not all Americans agree with the Embargo to Cuba, no all Russians are responsible or agree with the occupation of Crimea, not all Israelis are responsible or agree with the occupation of Palestine and so on and on... What you suggesting is that anyone from a country that occupies other country is responsible and should not talk of occupation?
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