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#1 Parent Bleh Blah - 2016-03-28
Re hypocrites

I am 54 years old and from Sydney [edited], get your facts right! However if Silverboy also
does not like you he must be a good bloke!

Yes, I see. You know, anyone can say anything about themselves on sites like this. You did know that, didn't you?

Also, where in my post did I say anything about him not liking me?

Facts not in evidence!

End of story, eh what?!!

#2 Parent offend and humiliate - 2016-03-28
Re hypocrites

I am 54 years old and from Sydney [edited], get your facts right! However if Silverboy also does not like you he must be a good bloke!

#3 Parent Bleh Blah - 2016-03-27
Re hypocrites

Shite, and I thought Silverboy claimed he never used sockpuppets!

Guess I was wrong.

#4 Parent amused - 2016-03-27
Re hypocrites

in fact, [edited] I am a big success.

I have the unedited satisfaction of knowing you have been offended. I certainly feel no need to assuage and ameliorate your online humiliation with boasts of my own spending habits and personal wealth.

Displays of 'locker room syndrome' are always embarrassing.

#5 Parent offend and humiliate - 2016-03-27
Re hypocrites

in fact, [edited] I am a big success. I spend 500 rmb a day just on food, alcohol, and taxis. I could spend three or four times that if I wanted to. On top of that , several houses and 420, 000 AUD in a Sydney bank account. Mr Winner, what do you have?

#6 Parent amused - 2016-03-27
Re hypocrites

Give Chinese women nothing, take them nowhere

Ah! So there again is the root of your dismay.

If you were back in your home country, fat unattractive poor unsuccessful, you would loath ALL women whom, in their gender entirety, refuse to be associated with you in any way other than for specified periods of times to perform specific acts for negotiated sums in private.

Since you are in China, it is Chinese women who recoil from your mortal coil and you protect your shattered ego by blaming the nation's women.

Again, get out of Starbucks, get off Wechat, exercize consistantly, dispose of your hair piece, purge your anger and perhaps, just perhaps, some young woman with a lack of self-esteem and poor eyesight will choose to pass your genetic material into the next generation, foiling natural selection.

#7 Parent Bleh Blah - 2016-03-27
Re hypocrites

Give Chinese women nothing, take them nowhere.

And this is why you are always lonely and celibate when you are in China.

#8 Parent Bleh Blah - 2016-03-27
Re hypocrites

You keep saying goodbye, but you don't go away!

#9 Parent offend and humiliate - 2016-03-26
Re hypocrites

I see the wumao crowd is out in force. The pro-Chinese, anti-Western sell your grandmother types. Give Chinese women nothing, take them nowhere. [edited]

#10 Parent offend and humiliate - 2016-03-26
Re hypocrites

no, you can not answer my questions, therefore the wumao tactics. China contributes nothing to the rest of the world. Chinese are self-serving. Goodbye!

#11 Parent amused - 2016-03-26
Re hypocrites

Asking and answering your own questions will may fail to offend others but it will certainly humiliate yourself.

#12 Parent Bleh Blah - 2016-03-26
Re hypocrites

You've only humiliated yourself there, Mr Offend and Humiliate.

#13 Parent offend and humiliate - 2016-03-26
Re hypocrites

the question is this: what has China ever done for the rest of the world? what do they have to offer? the answer........nothing!

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