Return to Index › you lot want it both ways in a FOREIGN country?
#1 Parent nijao - 2016-04-05
Re you lot want it both ways in a FOREIGN country?

No. I'm not your monkey, and your not my organ grinder. That gambit might work in the ranks
of the CPC, but never with me!

I think you misunderstood here.I did not bring the issue in Northern Ireland out of the blue.I was only countering you talk about Tibet and religion in CH.British people in general are some of the more awesome people anywhere and by majority most likely they want to be fair in the N. Ireland issue.

#2 Parent amused - 2016-04-05
Re you lot want it both ways in a FOREIGN country?

he is obviously extremely ignorant and naive

The first letter of a sentence is capitalized. 'Ignorant' is not an adjective that is qualified by degree.

Or just another silly little foreigner wumao.

A sentence requires a predicate.


Vulgarity and an inability to correctly write English might dissuade one from posting on a Teachers forum, especially on the topic of ignorance.

#3 Parent Hahaha - 2016-04-05
Re you lot want it both ways in a FOREIGN country?

English schools are good businesses, especially when co-founded by a Foreign expert in education, Chinese parents will rush to put their kids in.

Find a partner, sign in for 12~15% share instead of a base salary, shareholder agreement instead of an employment contract so you can't be fired, grow the school/center, enjoy the cashflow, win-win situation.

#4 Parent Max Walsh - 2016-04-05
Re you lot want it both ways in a FOREIGN country?

he is obviously extremely ignorant and naive. Or just another silly little foreigner wumao. [edited]

#5 Parent San Migs - 2016-04-05
Re you lot want it both ways in a FOREIGN country?

No. I'm not your monkey, and your not my organ grinder. That gambit might work in the ranks of the CPC, but never with me!

#6 Parent Caring - 2016-04-04
Re you lot want it both ways in a FOREIGN country?

Where have you been?

China can only hope to catch up to this level of institutional governmental collusive corruption.
#7 Parent nijao - 2016-04-04
Re you lot want it both ways in a FOREIGN country?

Western business practices like campaign finance, abusive litigation, insider trading,
government industry rescues, penny stocks, vulture sovereign finance, off-shore tax
shelters, non-profit shell company tax scams, student loan accumulation, computer
trading, magical debt vehicles, corporate personage, money as speech... China can only
hope to catch up to this level of institutional governmental collusive corruption.

Well said.

#8 Parent nijao - 2016-04-04
Re you lot want it both ways in a FOREIGN country?

Can't work out if you are really a chinese 50 center, or a foreign lackey. Hmmmm.............

What happen? you not longer want to talk Tibet and religion in CH. I was expecting you to reply long telling me that compare to China brutality, Western countries occupations/supported are very human and compassionate and your proof is that nothing or very little appear in western media. Ps, nothing personal, I understand you have to support your side no matter what.
#9 Parent nijao - 2016-04-04
Re you lot want it both ways in a FOREIGN country?

It is because of personality and not race. Any mature person will reach this same conclusion.

Race and racism is part of it in China and most of the world. Try to apply for a job teaching English in China and look Chinese/Asian/black and try to apply for the same job looking white Westerner/Pole/German/Dutch/Russian/Bulgarian... Who do you think will be hired first and get pay more.

Try to find a Chinese partner with $$ to open any business beside an English school in China not related to use your English language.

A better sample: just check some of the msgs replying to me and see how many times the lot here called me: Sick troll, little wumao, not having any substance in my msgs.. it sound racist, don't you think.

#10 Parent amused - 2016-04-04
Re you lot want it both ways in a FOREIGN country?

And business practices. These things
are very different from the people skills and business practices we are taught in the

Western business practices like campaign finance, abusive litigation, insider trading, government industry rescues, penny stocks, vulture sovereign finance, off-shore tax shelters, non-profit shell company tax scams, student loan accumulation, computer trading, magical debt vehicles, corporate personage, money as speech... China can only hope to catch up to this level of institutional governmental collusive corruption.

#11 Parent Enders game - 2016-04-04
Re you lot want it both ways in a FOREIGN country?

No educated person, and no one I know or whom I call a friend or associate, thinks Chinese are inferior.

THe most frustrating thing is Chinese management style. And business practices. These things are very different from the people skills and business practices we are taught in the west.

The truth is sometimes they are better. But in China-- when it's bad, it's really really really really bad....

However, even during my most unhappy experiences in China, I never thought about "inferior" or "superior". I just thought, wow some people are really selfish and greedy. (And I saw American guys and British people behaving that way too by the way) It is because of personality and not race. Any mature person will reach this same conclusion.

#12 Parent San Migs - 2016-04-02
Re you lot want it both ways in a FOREIGN country?

Can't work out if you are really a chinese 50 center, or a foreign lackey. Hmmmm.............

#13 Parent nijao - 2016-04-02
Re you lot want it both ways in a FOREIGN country?

Be patient with us because it is hard to adapt to things in Asia.

Yes.traveling all the way to China and work for a Chinese boss who probably does not speak English must be a big strange thing.some adapt and do ok,others FT never recover,they believe Chinese are inferior and that Chinese are not too smart people to be bosses.sample,when FT go to Italy or France to teach in a remote small town,FT complaint much less and some are pay little or never pay at all. But these FT accept things this way,because they see those European as more equal to them.the race gap between Westerners FT and Chinese school bosses and staff is big.neither side understand each other much and more of the interaction is always pretending and faking to like eachother. Ps, no all is like that of course but in the end,this is the way things are for most. Good luck to you.
#14 Parent nijao - 2016-04-02
Re you lot want it both ways in a FOREIGN country?

And your religion in China, you greedy heathen.

I don't know what you are trying to say.are you talking freedom of religion in China or are you complaining again about Tibet. As I told you, each Chinese is different and most probably many don't agree with what happen in Tibet same as you and you mates do not agree I suppose with year after year protestant parades to celebrate victory in occupied North Ireland by a few settler who thint they own the land. Ps, no offense to no one in the UK.
#15 Parent San Migs - 2016-04-01
Re you lot want it both ways in a FOREIGN country?

But the main thing still the same, lots of $$$$$$ is the universal language.

And your religion in China, you greedy heathen.

#16 Parent caring - 2016-04-01
Re you lot want it both ways in a FOREIGN country?

After complaining to the manager about a man who cleared his nose on the surface of our tennis court, my son realized he was "causing their own problem" which he couldn't see initially. The local man in his 40s that drove in his brand new Land Rover away later may never see the light on the end of his tunnel though. What ought to be bothering is that the Chinese rich people and the local educational system doesn't even have a plan to change the Stone Age behaviors which may affect a large percentage of the world's population in years to come. So, sometimes it's not about "both ways" but about the right and wrong way. Whether the Chinese develop socially, not only economically, remains to be seen.

Often we are just causing their own problems but can't see this.
#17 Parent nijao - 2016-04-01
Re you lot want it both ways in a FOREIGN country?

Good point.

#18 Parent Curious - 2016-04-01
Re: Re you lot want it both ways in a FOREIGN country?

"Lots of $$$ is the universal language" Hi hi hi, I like that!!!!

#19 Parent nijao - 2016-04-01
Re you lot want it both ways in a FOREIGN country?

I think you misunderstood my point. I support FT in CHina. English is very important for communication anywhere. But the main thing still the same, lots of $$$$$$ is the universal language. No offense to your culture past glories.

#20 Parent Enders game - 2016-03-30
Re you lot want it both ways in a FOREIGN country?

I agree with you. Many foreign teachers do want it "both ways". Be patient with us because it is hard to adapt to things in Asia. It takes some luck and a lot of trial and error. Often we are just causing their own problems but can't see this.

#21 Parent Mr Aussie - 2016-03-30
Re you lot want it both ways in a FOREIGN country?

silly little wumao, take a hike!

nijao - 2016-03-30
you lot want it both ways in a FOREIGN country?

What make you so special? ps,no disrespect to the OK ft in CH.

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