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#1 Parent San Migs - 2016-04-02
Re advice needed


Based on what you have said and provided finances/housing situation (in Australia?) allow, I would go back, breathe some fresh air, get your passport and go from there. It all seems very complex for you in China right now, and this stress can't be good for your mind. Go back, regroup, and remember that you have many other places to teach in.


#2 Parent amused - 2016-04-02
Re advice needed

I feel even if I just bite the bullet and stay I feel I am still going to get

a rock and a hard place

Any ideas?

Getting shafted by a rock in your hard place while you bite the bullet is a good idea.

#3 Parent Jay - 2016-04-01
Re advice needed

My contract with the school ends in July. If I remember the conversation last September they said the RP is always set to expire 30 days after my contract date and the FEC is usually the slightly longer but they would not issue it for longer than the validity of my passport for obvious reasons.

Yes, I do have to technically leave. My original plan had I not got so fed up with my current situation was to obtain a new passport in country and then just transfer everything to my new employer. I asked earlier in the year about the passport situation and was told that they would just take my new passport to the police and they would put a replacement RP in it with the same expiry date as the former one.

As I said at the beginning despite what some people chose to criticize me for was that I feel I am just so jaded with the whole job I just want to go home. What I asked about was if anyone knew if doing this would pose me problems later. It has been indicated it would however I feel even if I just bite the bullet and stay I feel I am still going to get shafted. It appears to be a rock and a hard place situation so at the moment I am not sure what to do to be honest.

Any ideas?


#4 Parent San Migs - 2016-04-01
Re advice needed

My RP expires 30th August and my FEC on 6th September.

My memory is a bit hazy, but aren't the two intertwined, and ne'er the twain shall meet? So do you have to leave on the 30th august then?

#5 Parent Jay - 2016-03-31
Re advice needed

I work in a private school not a language school.

My feeling is based on small things, nitpicking, the good cop bad cop act and the fact I heard recently similar things happened last year to another teacher.

I thought about using the 'family crisis' routine but I am still not convinced they would tow the line and give me at least my documents. Your comments regarding students are noted but I think the school are not overly worried about that as they just use agencies to source foreign faces anyway.

My RP expires 30th August and my FEC on 6th September. My passport is also 6th September.



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