Return to Index › Re you lot want it both ways in a FOREIGN country?
#1 Parent San Migs - 2016-04-08
Re you lot want it both ways in a FOREIGN country?

Yes I am ok. But the truth is the truth, even if you are a minority of one. China wants to be a power, then it better get used to some criticism, like Japan and the USA have had to.

#2 Parent nijao - 2016-04-07
Re you lot want it both ways in a FOREIGN country?

your country deserves to be slammed and to be the subject of ridicule.

You post have lots of substance and credibility. I rest my case.
#3 Parent nijao - 2016-04-07
Re you lot want it both ways in a FOREIGN country?

You keep confirming your own xenophobia. Again, FDI rebuilt China and modern chinese cities.
The fact that you think we should only be there as tourists and English teachers, shows
that like many, you don't really welcome outsiders, except when they are spending money
in China only.

Yes, the same vietnam that legalized gay marriage, you know, something your country denies
and refuses to educate students about, much like sex, complete total silence in schools,
nothing. But then the chinese education system is well known for being ranked number 1
in the world *sarcasm filter optional*


By all means, keep building phallic structures in the sea....it can help divert from the
economic and ethnic problems at home.

Are you ok? I am starting to believe that you dislike the whole world. Find a gf, go out and have some fun mate.
#4 Parent Max Walsh - 2016-04-07
Re you lot want it both ways in a FOREIGN country?

your country deserves to be slammed and to be the subject of ridicule.

#5 Parent San Migs - 2016-04-07
Re you lot want it both ways in a FOREIGN country?

You keep confirming your own xenophobia. Again, FDI rebuilt China and modern chinese cities. The fact that you think we should only be there as tourists and English teachers, shows that like many, you don't really welcome outsiders, except when they are spending money in China only.

Yes, the same vietnam that legalized gay marriage, you know, something your country denies and refuses to educate students about, much like sex, complete total silence in schools, nothing. But then the chinese education system is well known for being ranked number 1 in the world *sarcasm filter optional*


By all means, keep building phallic structures in the sea....it can help divert from the economic and ethnic problems at home.

#6 Parent nijao - 2016-04-06
Re you lot want it both ways in a FOREIGN country?

Do you even proof read/spell check the things you write?

What? you rant and slam a FOREIGN non-English speaking country all the time and you expect to be countered in perfect English. This is proof that Westerners should only visit CH and Asia as temporary tourist and English teachers.

So the Vietnamese will take over

Are these the same Vietnamese Communist and w/o democracy (no offense to Vietnam)..no to mention the big war the other day. This sound like when The Philippines was going to replace JP as the Asian main economic power back in the 80s and 90s. Even better sample, when the EU was formed back in the 90s, it supposed to be the main thing in the world. Today the EU cannot even sustain itself. I am sure many ppl-investors lost lots of cash following all the writers predictions at that time. Ps, no offense to Euro countries, they tried.

#7 Parent San Migs - 2016-04-06
Re you lot want it both ways in a FOREIGN country?

so much for Westerner brain power input to help economies in Asia.

Do you even proof read/spell check the things you write? Errors aside, your point here is wrong. It was FDI that drove the chinese miracle, that FDI is now moving to Mexico/Vietnam. Young Chinese no longer want to do dirty hot factory work for low pay, read some of the news, not least the suicides at places like Foxconn and so on. So the Vietnamese will take over, fill the vacuum, so to speak. Check where samsung smartphone batteries are made, you may be surprised, or not. But good luck with that innovation, it's served you well beyond bamboo chopsticks and collapsing dams and bridges fillled with sawdust and re-entry shuttles made out of inferior materials, good luck with getting anyone to trust a Chinese made commercial airliner.

#8 Parent nijao - 2016-04-06
Re you lot want it both ways in a FOREIGN country?

You make some good points. As I told you,i am not pre-trained in economies. Please see below some of my replies.I have no time to research as you do,most of what i write is out of instinct and the way i see things.

You can state what you believe to be true and maybe it will start a discussion. However, when writing on a topic where there is some evidence from established and recognised media outlets you should at least know the background.

Respectfully,it seems to me you are lecturing here for no reason,i never suggested this topic.I still believe that large economies in the world (major exporters) are controlled by a few players.sample,the oil market still controlled by USA.It all depends who wins the elections in the USA.if it is a democrat,oil prices most likely will remain low all over the world,and if it is a republican, most likely oil prices will climb again.i am not taking sides on this,but this is the way it is and have been,i don't need to do a research to say this.the reason i bring oil,it's because large economies depend of oil as main source of energy to make and mainly move things.

If you persist in making unsubstantiated statements with little or no evidence you should not be surprised if people don't take you seriously

Are you serious about this.you exchange msgs and reply on this forum to ppl who do not seem serious at all.why the sudden correctness and credibility talk.

I've provided some evidence in my replies to you and in other posts on China's economy, of concern about unemployment, over-capacity and economic transition.

yes,you did,mainly from fortune teller writers.again large economies are controlled by a few players,same as schools and unis in CH. JP economy shrunk and nobody saw it coming,JP thought that by buying 100s of companies abroad and have westerners run it with all the research and stats it will last forever,it didn't and the results are the economy of CH is twice/or more bigger than the economy of JP,so much for Westerner brain power input to help economies in Asia.

If you are in China and not using a VPN I can understand that your source material may be restricted, but this would be a lame excuse for not attempting to understand.

I think you have to admit,that by the number of new rich Chinese-mainlanders,Chinese are doing pretty well under all the restrictions and w/o VPNs.


Credits to you for mentioning the polluted environment,not only in CH but all over the world it needs to improve fast. My last comment on this,LET the Chinese be,they don't need your/mates help,except for teaching English.

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