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#1 Parent Caring - 2016-04-07
Re Panama Papers

I get your indications where the documents are coming from and your suggestion for the timing is to be considered. I dare to say the release may even have something to do with the recent petition for the peoples president to step down and the consequent crack down on the responsible ones. The petition appeared to have threatened the president's life too. Yet, the documents seem to have a hell lot of influential people, Americans, Brits (PM's family member), Islanders etc. What I find interesting for instance is Bo Xilai and his wife (the Brit she killed has been metioned again too) that have been taken away by their current officials who are similarily mentioned in those papers too. Then, shouldn't we find it ironic that the former party secretary of guangdong has been humilated for a few million Yuan locally while his superiors in Beijing have been keeping the fame for a lot more than that and on the international scale? We can all agree that power corrupts anyone, but when you impose on your people such an honesty and social responsibilities while you do not live up to it, it ought to be noted. In any case, some posters on here seem to be either ignorant or purposely obtuse. Attacking a friendly poster's English that says "What do you guys think" speaks loud enough. But thank you for stepping in to explain the use of the language around the world.

If you focus on just one aspect of the leaked accounts,

“The implication that suggests some of the highest ranked officials in some communist nations have stolen the wealth from people is interesting.”

it is likely that you will be taken to task by some posters on here. I did not respond to your thread starter because I wanted to see how this revelation – the biggest leak of data (since the last biggest leak of data) –develops.

Do you not see anything unusual about the timing of these leaks and the emphasis on places and individuals outside of America?

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