Return to Index › Re Panama Papers
#1 Parent Caring - 2016-04-09
Re Panama Papers

If you were a "Doctor", you wouldn't be so d*ll.

I highly doubt that that OP can contribute anything of value and substance to this board either. The Panama papers are not ESL-related, and to put blame on anyone like that poster did is rubbish coffeehouse talk. It doesn't help anyone either to cope with the pitfalls of ESL in China. Furthermore, the poster is not inclusive when asking (only) for responses from "guys". Instead, that poster should get a life and count how many LOLs there are in my posts to "insult" (that's what that poster claims in the case of my LOLs)....Now, here is another:


Apparently few foreign teachers contribute to this Teachers Discussion Forum because they are busy chatting with pimps on WeChat, chasing whores in Thailand, traveling to HK to replace their meds and tourist visa, hungover in one of their many Australian estates, or [edited]

How obvious can those two posters in case be?
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