Return to Index › Re you lot want it both ways in a FOREIGN country?
#1 Parent paul fox - 2016-04-10
Re you lot want it both ways in a FOREIGN country?


The fact is, that westerners LOVE to moan. I am sure that if you found a Thai equivalent of this forum, or one from any other 'non-western' country, then the whinging and whining would be the same.

The added problem on this forum is that any time someone says anything GOOD about China, they are immediately labeled a 'wumao'

#2 Parent nijao - 2016-04-10
Re you lot want it both ways in a FOREIGN country?

All of the threads you initiated, start from a premise that is accusatory in tone.

I was countering the hundreds if not thousands of post hating CH. Why very unhappy FT who hate living in CH are not living in their western paradise. It look like self-inflicted pain. CH is not a dump for unwated haters. Ps, no disrespect to the good FT in China and thanks for your replies, you seem like a good teacher and person.

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