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#1 Parent paul fox - 2016-04-12
Re Panama Papers

'Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely'

Totally true that honesty and integrity should be the prerequisite, but when was the last time you saw an honest politician?

#2 Parent Caring - 2016-04-11
Re Panama Papers

Power corrupts and so nobody should have it. Honesty and integrity ought to be the prerequisite to life on Earth.

#3 Parent paul fox - 2016-04-11
Re Panama Papers

Some would say that being called a 'politician' or a 'corrupt politician' are actually one and the same

In other words, just by becoming a politician, you are inevitably corrupt, (or at least corruptible)

Is there such a thing as an 'honest politician'?.................or is that a rhetorical question?

#4 Parent Caring - 2016-04-10
Re Panama Papers

The papers actually have plenty of people that have not been publicized. How many influential Americans are in or not remains to be seen. Speaking of "incredible corruption", have a look at old Bush (when in CIA) having Noriega on payroll. To control the Panama canal takes some dough. Chinese may be building their canal through Nicaragua for reasons.

#5 Parent paul fox - 2016-04-10
Re Panama Papers

I am really sorry people, but I think you need to take The Panama Papers with a pinch of salt the size of Jupiter. Firstly, if you look at them, you may notice that of all the corrupt, greedy people who have been exposed in the papers, none are American. So around 20,000 people exposed as being corrupt and greedy, yet no Americans.

Look more closely and you might see that the 20,000 (or so) non-Americans are all people who can easily be considered as being 'enemies of the USA', or more to the point, enemies of the USA as seen through the eyes of the NAS, CIA and other bodies of incredible corruption.

The money behind the Panama Papers, and behind a lot of other highly questionable attacks on people who still believe in a free world and a strong middle class, belongs to a man of vast wealth, (and no other redeeming qualities), by the name of George Soros.

Just my humble opinion..........

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