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#1 Parent paul fox - 2016-04-11
Re Panama Papers

Sorry Doc, but Amused couldn't be left alone on this one.

I have never been a fan of American English, but I do have a lot of respect for 'Merriam-Webster' simply because they move with the times and accept things as being 'normal' due to common usage, rather than sticking to draconian grammar 'rules'.

As I have stated in another post, I concur with Amused over Caring's usage, but it's pedantic at best.

As for Mr Greene calling Amused a 'troll', I see no harm in having a healthy debate on an ESL discussion forum about how English grammar is used and how we think it should be taught to our students.

After all, what's this forum primarily for - comparing views on ESL teaching or discussing the best place to find a cheap hooker?

Perhaps it's Mr Greene who is the 'troll'?

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