Return to Index › This week's "'Red Flag' Specials" from ESL Jobs in China - Teachers Discussion
#1 Parent bubawoo - 2006-07-26
boredom is a terrible thing - Teachers Discussion

I always see this type of error. EVERYBODY, IT'S NOT BECOZ IT'S BECAUSE. Not just because we are writing on the internet...

sorry... am i just being facetious... boredom has set in...

#2 Parent rainmyne - 2006-07-20
Filipino not Phillipino/Phillipiono - Teachers Discussion

I always see this type of error. EVERYBODY, IT'S NOT PHILLIPINO ITS FILIPINO. Not just becoz we live in the PHilippines you would call us PHILI....

About the post: I know about that Frank. I applied for it 2 weeks ago and they wanted 3 native speakers. But I think one will not be able to make it so they hired me but then I still have some things to finish in my old school. So now, they are specifying what teacher they need. It's still good becoz some of my fellow FILIPINOS who have no jobs as of this time can apply for it and not be rejected.

#3 Parent KJ - 2006-07-19
way to go Frank - Teachers Discussion

I'm glad you're still cautioning others to view some of these positions with the skepticism they deserve. The job in Panzhihua is a good example of one to definitely avoid. New teachers should be aware, as I've stated before, that when an employer goes all out to paint a glowing picture of the school and/or its surroundings, the red flags should go up. Further, one should think about the advice they should have received in the past about their own CV's or resumes - avoid being too verbose because an employer is apt to think that you lack the confidence to state the facts simply without being overly grandiose about your qualifications. Conversely, the chances are that an employer who babbles on and on about their school must lack the confidence to simply state the facts.
Another thing to watch for is when they stretch the truth - even just a little bit. This job posting states that Panzhihua is close to Kunming. Obviously they're trying to coerce us with the fact that Kunming is a well known tourist destination in China and that Yunnan itself is rapidly becoming a popular stomping ground for foreigners. I'm not sure how long it takes to get from Panzhihua to Kunming, but calling it "close" is bit of a stretch of the imagination.
In my opinion, the ideal job posting is clear, concise and brief. Are you would be employers paying attention? Just "give us the facts Jack." And if you really want to attract applicants, offer a decent salary. 4000RMB? Pshaw! Furthermore, offer to send some pictures of the school, the city, and the apartment. And if possible, the email addresses of prior employees who are willing to provide testimonials.
But ultimately the responsibility lies on the shoulders of you new teachers or you teachers who haven't taught in China before. The sad fact is that what you see is rarely what you get. I'd recommend more than a few days of research. Take weeks or months if necessary to find the right position. Find out as much as possible about the city, not just the teaching position. Yeah, maybe the job is ok, but the city itself could be the most god awful place you've ever imagined.
So, do your research and good luck!

Frank - 2006-07-19
This week's "'Red Flag' Specials" from ESL Jobs in China - Teachers Discussion

Greetings, fellow FTs!

Heres this weeks 'Red Flag' Specials from ESL Jobs in China:

Please feel free to insert your own comments!


baotou city,innermogolia - English job offered
Posted By: No-native speaker need asapBaotou Jiawen Foreign Language School <xuhui7812@tom.com>
Date: 18 July 2006

"we need foreign teachers asap,no mind who you are from,if you are interested at it ,please contact with me soon"

(innermogolia??? It makes me a bit nervous when the recruiter cant properly spell the name of the place No-native speaker and no mind who you are from could be taken to mean: You can be Chinese and we dont care who your parents are! This ad says SO MUCH with SO FEW words!!! Are you interested at it??? Im not!)


From Vicky representing a middle school in Shaoxing, Zhejiang:

Free, you are offered the same medical treatment as other staff

(Uh, oh Does that mean its free because there isnt any, perhaps???)


From allexander:

shantou foreign language school in guangdong is looking for 1 philippiono female teacher who should live near to the guangdong province in china

(Hey, mj and Rainmyne; Do philippiono people live anywhere near Filipino people?)


From Yang Jie, representing Panzhihua University: (highlights from a very long introduction of the position and the city of Panzhihua):

the living standard is rather low in Sichuan Province compared with other parts in China
(Yeah, Ill say! I lived in Panzhihua for five weeks (and fled), and I had the most unbearable fifth floor apartment, which flooded inches deep on daily basis!)

PZHU has obtained a good reputation and draws widespread social concern across Sichuan province
(So, do people think this a good place or a bad place???)

Outstanding Unit of Talent Exploitation
(Young, beautiful girls beware!!!)

(These are some of the qualities they expect to attact new teachers with? Okay!!!)


From Peter in Huludao, Liaoning:

nice flat
the city is near the sea
you should be native speaker
you will teach the adult

(If nothing else, Peter is concise But my question is: Teach the adult what? Pig? Cow? Dragon?)


And of course, my favorite folks have returned for a third time in the past two weeks:

Haoshi foreign language school located in coastal city, Yingkou which is specialized in english training. With hard and bitter struggle ,Haoshi foreign language school has become the most professional English training school in Yingkou city. There are more than 2000 students and 30 stuffs and 3 foreign teachers in school.

(Its beginning to seem that their hard and bitter struggle is finding a teacher!)

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