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#1 Parent CarCarGo - 2016-04-17
Re British teacher killed in China

I wonder what goes on in Thailand. I mean, its famous (rightly or wrongly) for ideas of outrageous 'anything-goes' adventures, parties and of course those Lost in Thailand comedy movies only added to the idea.

But over the last year or two I've noticed that a lot of the foreigners I'd describe as the 'party boys'. The ones who came here to become 'Batman' and learn Kung-Fu then took part-time jobs teaching English so they can fund Laowai Bar fights/hook-ups have almost all gone to.... Thailand!

At least that's where they kept insisting they were going. Some said Vietnam but I kept hearing Thailand over and over.

Now adding more to the story, it seems like every other documentary I watch is about some prostitution in Thailand and then horrific stuff like 'slavery' and child prostitution etc. Also every middle-school kid says 'Ladyboy' if you say 'Thailand'. It seemed to me every other foreigner I met coming or going to Thailand had some kind of 'counterfeit import-export scheme' going. Brits making fake Premiere League gear or something like that.

So, a person might start to guess that a lot of the foreigners getting murdered in Thailand are possibly involved in what.. drugs? drug smuggling, prostitution games, scamming other foreigners? Counterfeit sports clothing scams or what's going on down there?

Anyone here that's lived in or around the foreigner world in Thailand??

#2 Parent Paul Greene - 2016-04-15
Re British teacher killed in China

I would agree with you about some places in Thailand, especially Pattaya and Phuket. There is a "blame the victim" mentality in those areas. I know two Westerners in Pattaya who were involved in traffic accidents they did not cause. They had to pay compensation to the Thai "victims" and also had to bribe the police, both very large amounts. Lucky they are wealthy. The UK guy was told "if you had not come here this would not have happened", like you said. It is a wierd and twisted mindset!

#3 Parent San Migs - 2016-04-15
Re British teacher killed in China

The KSA is another country like China and Thailand I would never go to.

#4 Parent paul fox - 2016-04-14
Re British teacher killed in China

A few years ago, a mate of mine worked in Saudi. Driving a car one day, he was sitting at a red light when a Saudi driver crashed into him directly from behind.
My friend got the blame and was fined.

The reason......He was a foreigner and shouldn't have been there in the first place !

#5 Parent San Migs - 2016-04-14
Re British teacher killed in China

Worse, the Thai "police" have a habit of coming out with the old gambit of "If you had not come here, this would not have happened" or if a western woman, "If you had dressed more modestly, you would not have got raped" ignoring the fact that thai women who work as hookers dress in a way that would shock your average conservative chinese girl. One crap country I would never set foot out of the airport to, or even avoid the airport at all, if possible.

#6 Parent paul fox - 2016-04-14
Re British teacher killed in China

Deaths of foreigners are extremely rare in China, but try looking at Thailand.....

On average, 2 per week either 'fall' from a hotel balcony, or commit 'suicide' by stabbing themselves to death with their hands tied behind their back

It's the wife and kid that I feel sorry for................

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